Saturday, January 06, 2007

Snake Plissken and me.

Yesterday evening I done a 2 movie marathon, watched Soldier and
Sky High lolrotf !!

Once upon a time, I really like Kurt Russel very very much, now the
feeling is still there, but it is heart breaking to see a actor that you
like very much getting old, right ?

Remember that guy as Snake Plissken ? What the hell on earth kind
of parents would name their kids Snake Plissken ?

Somemore one eye can't see mia -_-"

I am going to name my kid David Talapoz or Johny Karipoz !!

How about that ?

OMG I was so damn 堕 落 !! OMFG !!

But I had some good time enjoying the show and eating some really
sweet orange !!

After the show, my room was filled with Orange mia aroma !!!


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