Monday, November 20, 2006

Funny Sunday

Yesterday I woke up at 7:15 am and went down washing my F-117.

Too much of dirt and dust has made it looked like 1940's aircraft.

At about 7:20 am I started washing, cleaning the stuck dirts and
tars and fire powders etc from the radar absorbing surface.

Aunty Chia:" Wah so early in the morning yeah ? "

Me:" Yeah, exercise a bit and clean this F-117 mar."

Aunty Chia:" How old is this ? 2 years? "

Me:" 4 years plus already."

Aunty Chia:" Are you sure ? Looked so new and clean !!! "

Me *cough* and replied:" I do polish it on and off ! " *kembang* !!

Aunty Chia:" Good for you, ok going off for breakfast, see you !!

1 hour later, I went for second stage, polishing the surface.

Aunty Chia came back from breakfast and saw me -_-"

Aunty Chia:" Aiyoh ! mein Gott im Himmel !! Your car peciah one
big hole already !! "

Me shocked and asked:" Where where ? Where is the hole ?"

Aunty slumberly replied:" You polish for 1 hour, sure peciah one hole
lah ! "

Aunty:" wtfknnbbq you crazy guy ! I finished my breakfast already and
you still haven't done, you damn crazy ! But I salute you ! "

She saluted me and I saluted back at her : )

Funny Aunty that I like, mother of Johntim Chia lolrotf !!

Quote of the day:" Aiyoh ! mein Gott im Himmel !!
Your car peciah one
big hole already
!! "

鹿 到 你 的 车 破 大 洞 了 !!!!!!!

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