Friday, October 06, 2006

Marathon & Brake Rosak

Yesterday reached home at 6pm something, read some emails, watched
news and then, had some Mooncakes and before I now, my bed activated
the magnetic field and I was hmm... stucked to it.

I looked at the windows and there was still day lights.

I said to myself," Rest a little bit, wake up and work later!"

My brain," Affirmative Sir ! Sir !"

Then I lost my conscious... and started the 2007 Marathon Tidur!!

At 9pm something, I received SMS from Fat Lady, opened one eye
and read.... still marathon.

At 12am something, someone called me and asked me some opinion -_-"
about some wedding things and stuff like that.

Ok, i answered all the question with full conscious and continued
the Marathon Tidur after that.

3:30 am, battery fully charged !

Myself," Gee ! It is good time to wash my car eh ? "

My brain," Don't wash lah, how if it rains later ? "

Myself," You are right also ! then what to do ? "

My brain," Lie down, think about your work ! "

Myself, " Ok zzzzzzzzzzzz..... "

My brain," Kih kih kih kih kih !! "


hence, that's how I ended up with a 12 hours sleep and
when i woke up this morning at 7:30 am.

I told my brain," Cis ! You penipu ! "

My brain, " Bleh !!!! "

Can't do this nomore ! Can't !!

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