Saturday, October 14, 2006

Disabled Person's Parking Bay at LCCT

Was at LCCT last night and when I turned into their car park, I
noticed that there were some parking lot reserved for the Disabled

These parking lot are wider, easier for the disabled persons and
were both labelled on the floor with a sign board ( Blue board with
wheel-chair ) sign.

There was like 5 or 6 lot reserved for this purpose. There were 5
cars there with 1 empty space, why empty space ? Perhaps the air
port parking attendent would like to block the non Disabled Person
to simply park there, right ?

The empty space were blocked with 4 big construction plastic block
( the type red and white colour ) used during construction of high
way or road construction.

But unfortunately, I saw all the cars parked there were belonged to
non Disabled Person. I went to inspect the car and non of them has
the Disabled Person logo / stickers nor any indication or so.

I was so up set about it, and was thinking that if there is anything
that I could do about it ? And would our authority do anything about
it at all ?

When all system fails, I am going to stop belief in the system and
start believing in justice of myself !!

Damn I better stop here, writing about this made me feel more angry
every minutes !! Ptui !!

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