Saturday, October 07, 2006

Damn Koh Lian

Today is a Saturday and yeah I am working today. My good
friend Amanda sent an SMS to me and teased me

" Oh Poor Kai hong has to work on Saturday ! "

I replied with " I hate you! "

But actually working on a Saturday is not that bad at all.


I have to wake up at 7:40 am instead of 7:30 am normally.
I could brush my teeth slowly.
I could also take my own sweet time to Pang Sai.

And today I gave a lift for my neighbour Aunty who was going
to Taman Megah.

And, hmmm, the traffic was really clear and could do constand
90kmph or 100kmph and beat the hell out of Toyota Vios which
tried to be funny with me, well, he tried, he lost.

And i showed him the little finger for 10 seconds as I drove
into the highway lol !!

I hope his BP is better right now.

Anyway, it's great to work on Saturday cause i would :

  • Not oversleep until afternoon.
  • Be able to have sales meeting with my sales person.
  • Have time for good breakfast.
  • Able to clear some paperworks.
  • Be able to wear my favourite Black T- Shirt to work.
  • Be able to park anywhere that I like.
  • Charge my mobile phone without incoming calls.
  • Be able to make some cold calls.
  • Be able to be alerted with current situation.

    But when I look at the MSN Live Messenger only 4
    person online and most of them are away.

    Compared to 20 person online.

    lolrotf !! Feeling good but deep inside my heart
    i feel a little bit Koh Lian !!

    Now, I have to make sure that the alternate Saturday
    off thing would be implemented within 3 months time
    and I would have a balanced point of work and rest.

    Ain't that right ? Yeah ?

    Let's start now.
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