Saturday, October 28, 2006

Banana !!

2 days ago my parents were around KL during the DeepaRaya
holidays and they spent about 5 or 6 days here.

Before they left they bought be a bunch of banana and put
them in my car. I went home and " Alamak ! " when I was
opening my car boot.

I told myself," How am I going to finish this bunch of banana?"

Wrong !! Before I knew it these banana were disappearing like
noboby's business like that !!

Reason ? Each time I take 3 pcs as lunch or breakfast and I feel
good after having them : )

hehehehe !!

I actually enjoyed having breakfast or lunch, kih kih kih !!!

Thanks papa and mama !!

Talking about intelligence and experiance of life, they are
still the man !! They are the men !!! Yeah !!

Burp... banana smell pula -_-"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where got banana? i didnt see one? tuesday we met what?