Saturday, October 28, 2006

Black Hawk Down !!

Over the radio:" Mayday !Mayday !Black Hawk Down !
Black Hawk Down !!"

Me:" Roger that ! I am down too ! "

Radio:" Padan you mia muka ! "

That was the response that I got since I was down
for the past 10 days with combination of flu, fever,
throat infection etc...


When I was down I had some issue to blog too actually
but then I was too busy bao"ing" the wantan and sneezing
those green shit into tissue papers.

I sneezed so hard that even the tissue papars peciah !!!

omfg !!

If there is a grade to classify the level of sickness, I
would class is class 5 out of 5. The most serious flu
that I've ever got.

Hopefully this is not the bird flu -_-"

Wait let me check..........

Aha! The bird is still ok !! Yahoo !!

1 comment:

Jason Lioh said...

Hippo that drinks so much water yet still fall sick. 2 liter per day? I drink less than that wei. :P