Art of speaking.
Yesterday while I was chatting with an old buddy of mine
since secondary school, i have re-learned something important
and fun.
When I was younger ( about 10 to 15 years ago ) I tend to
talk straight from my heart and mind without any second
thought or consideration, or filtering at all.
No polished, indirect and selective words. Results were often
quick, and some times people get annoyed or pissed of
because of the too direct and non-filtered communication.
Example, 1996 I was working in a big Restaurant and I was
about 19 years old. And there was an mid 30s or 40s lady
who was my leader,
One day I call her :" Errr, aunty ah, this one hor.... "
She -_-" and screwed me !!
She replied:" Hei ! Don't you ever, ever call me aunty !! "
I -_-" and :" Oh sorry !"
She added:" Call me xiao jie (miss) "
I -_-" and :" Oh sorry and ok !"
I remember this incident till today and I think in future too!!
Never call people aunty unless you are under 8 years old.
or that aunty is really aged 80 and above.
Any women or lady which is age from 18 to 80, to play safe
you better salute them with "Miss" "xiao jie" or "美女 " or to some
extreme case, "Leng Lui !" LOL !!
So, back to the story which happened yesterday.
My friend inform me he has feeling with a lady that he likes,
but this Macho guy didn't want to tell me that he likes this
girl directly, instead, when I asked:
" Eh, how is your relationship? normal friend? good friend? or
advanced friend? or super advanced friend?"
My friend:" I hope she could be the mother of my sons !!"
-_-" WTF ?? This guy tell story like my great-great grandfather
and so in-direct !!!!! Wasting the internet bandwitdth with
10 words instead of " i like her !" gnn !!!
So I taruh my friend:" WTF !?? Don't talk like people of
15th Century lah friend ! you sound like Paramesuara."
"Or Hang Tuah talking to Hang Jebat like that !! Damn
annoying !!! "
I told him now is ICT Era, everything has to be fast, accurate and
deadly to the point .
I told him there is a word call " Girlfriend or Wife or Mate !!"
I told him again:" From now on, please no more Maka Hatta, pun
tersebutlah, Ampun Tuanku, beribu-ribu Ampun, sudikah saudari
menjadi bonda kepada anak patik? or some shit like
I repeated:" Am I clear ?"
He replied:" Ok sir, affirmative !!!"
I asked :" So, what is your problem now ?"
He informed:" But I really hope she could be the grandmother of
my grandsons woh !!! "
I terus 2 legs in the sky !!! And my blood pressure also rockected
up all the way to the moon.
GNN !! Old timer !!
LOL! Precisely !!
This guy could be a good friend of my great grandfather or my ancestor back to 1900 or 1868 like that hahaha !!
The way he speak:" Ada style !!"
Style lama !!
Style kuno !!
Style masa lampau !! LOL !!
Yo, grandson of ur grandpa ^_^
Can intro the husband of ur grandma 2 me or not?
Hav a strong feeling dat we can make a nice tok kok partner ...
muahahahaha ....
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