Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Malaysian Road Bullies That Philips Met

Last week when I was driving to Seremban after exiting from the
PLUS highway I turned into a Kampung area.

As usual the kampung road was not as wide as the PLUS highway
and the condition is not as good as the highway too. Hence my
speed dropped from 120Kmph to 60Kmph... cruising.

There was a stretch of the road where the width of the road is
only enough for 1 car to pass. And at the opposite there was a
Proton Perdana heading my direction, hence I want to show my
Polite Malaysian, Courtesy Driver ( Pemandu Berhemah Tinggi )
and I let the Perdana pass first.

I politely winded down the windows and smiled to the Perdana Driver, and he also winded down the windows, travelling at 20kmph
he shouted at me, " Babi !!!!!!! " and drove off...vrooomm !!!

I was totally so stunned !!! What happened I asked my self????

Why I've been so nice & polite and people screwed me back that
I am a pig? a babi? a khinzir? ''sus scorfa"

Yeah I know that I am a little bit fat and big, but ?? why need to
so over reacting ?? What a lousy Malaysian Proton Perdana driver

The more I think, the more my anger came.... ^%$!$(*&#(*&^@!
began till filled up in my mind. Istilah orang kata " Hati sudah tidak
balance !!"

So, what to do? Hit on the gas as hard as I can to leave this
annoying place. 0 to 80 kmph in 8 second. Vrrrrrommmmm !!! and
my tyre screeethed like what 5xMom did when she was young.

10 second later I hit a bunch of pigs who were crossing the streets
like a 15 pounds bowling making a STRIKE !!!!

" Poooooooooonnnnnng !!!!!!!!! " and the pigs flew everywhere.
Some landed on the Kampung House Atap, some landed in the river,
some landed on some "coconut' tree, some flew as far as to KLCC !!

OMG !!! The Nice Proton Perdana was warning me of these PIGS!!

Wheeewws !! I though I was so fat that people has to call me PIGS
already, well, no need to call my Gym Trainer already.

And, hmmmmm, let's go Bak Kut Teh tonight, a lot of dead pigs
around.... ke ke ke ek ke......

1 comment:

Philips at work. said...


Bak Kut Teh is good for health. Why? Cause it has :

1. Protein. ( Meat )
2. Vitamins ( Vegetables )
3. Fibre ( Vegtetables )
4. Carbohydrates ( Rice )
5. Multi-mineral ( soup )
6. Good level of fat.
7. Herbs that can make strong man stronger, and pretty girl more prettier... why not??

Best location for Bak Kut Teh, I will draw a map for you. Try it out and let me know.