Thursday, December 16, 2004
Pak Tor Again???
It was a hot Wednesday afternoon when my good friend Amanda called us to have lunch with Mr. B.J. Lim from LG Korea.
We went for lunch and met William, Mr. Lim, Amanda there waiting for us. As usual, nice food and easy atmosphere, of course not forgetten a lot of jokes... according to William Ho :
1. I have a Malay girlfriend (I protested and said no,i have 2actually )
2. I pretend to be malu malu infront of Korea guest. Alamak !
3. Jessie don't like to eat Chicken Foot infront of us?
4. My size was like Mr Chai 2 years ago.
5. We sales dept give a lot of problem to William
6. Because we give a lot of problem to William, he has not taken
annual leave for more then 10 years already. Kasian betul !
7. A lot of English communication barriers.
8. Hong Kong English vs Malaysia English vs Korea English.
9. I know where to find nice food, nice drink, nice Kara OK and the
most important thing, nice Chinese Girls !!! wah ha ha ha ha ha!
Well after the heavy lunch we went back to office, and went for a meeting for LG products, sales and marketing plan and come out with the below conclusions :
1. William wants MTSB to sell 200K to 500K of LG product per month.
2. LG Korea will provide A&P materials.
3. MTSB might think to lower price for LG CD-R.
4. LG Korea will provide full range LG products.
5. We have to work hard for LG products.
6. MFD will also be included for LG Products.
And after those facts and meeting and discussions, we then proceed to
factory visit and production visit.
Then time to go to Low Yatt Plaza, and let Mr Lim to check in at Prince Hotel
located at Jalan Conlay before that.
Oh did I mention that I was driving the Company's Car ? The Mercedez
Benz E240 ? Wow the car = really good ! almost fully computerised and
it is so powerful !
Driving the Benz is really enjoyable and below are my feedback :
1. Very powerful a 2.4 liter engine.
2. Very smooth and light touched steering wheels.
3. Seamless automatic 4 gear transmission with Steptronic.
4. Good air cond system.
5. Good environment & surrounding sensors. Front and back.
6. Good handling and easy to pick up.
7. Keyless engine system.
8. Almost full computerised + 3 profile seats memory.
9. Quiet and smells good in the car :)
A drive from Subang to KL with this car is good :) And at Low Yatt plaza we
went to do the CD-R and DVD-R pricing and branding survey. Mr. Lim
used his notebook ( 555 brand one you know? ) to write down all the
informations and we did some shopping as well at Low Yatt plaza and
Sungai Wang plaza.
Time in at Low Yatt plaza = 5 pm
Time out from Low Yatt = 7 pm
Total parking cost 2 hour = RM 4.00
If it wasn't William and Mr. Lim who accompanied me in the trip and instead it
was Gigi Leong and Sammi Cheng, it would have just perfect and nice :)
You know?
1. Lunch togather.
2. Meeting also togather.
3. Go Low Yatt shopping togather.
4. Go check in hotel togather ( WTF? )
5. Enjoy the KL drive in luxury car togather ( hmm ! Song ! )
6. Go shopping at Parkson togather.
7. Go dinner togather.
So it seems like my Pak Tor experiance and time is "takdir" to be spent with
my boss. Aint' that sad? Hmmm ? hmm?
Well, some words from my heart.
When we work we work hard, push it to the limit and be dare to try new things.
Have to be brave to meet new challenges & problems.
When come to rest and play and family quality time? Also have to
enjoy every moment with the best possible feeling.
Aint' that right??
Kai //// Hong is a chaching stucked in the cave !! Help !! Giu Lang Lor !!
Giu Lang Lor !!
An Interesting Link
A friend of mine Fane Yuan, the Bao Zhu Po who sent me this.
Try to have a look at it and enjoy :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Caving Part Duo !!
A recap from what Suja said before we came to this micro cave.
Suja :" Later we will be doing some caving ok?"
Suja :" Remove your big belt if you have any."
Suja :" Un tuck your cloth, don't want to get your pants stuck and we could see the full monty mate !"
Suja :" And then the caving process is like this !
First you walk like Homo Sapiens
Then you walk like Primates or King Kong
Then you become AnJhing
Then you become Kuching
Then you become buaya darat
Then you become ularrr...
Then you become chaching ....! understand?"
Holy Cow ! I think I would be in trouble already when he said we have to become chaching that time.
The then said, we have to be careful not to bang our head in the cave. And after we pass any micro cave, we have to stand out slowly and only stand up after we are sure that there is no rock or anything sharp at our back. If not..... bang !!
Well after we all sit down outside of the cave... no I mean the micro cave that we are about to enter. Jaya asked all of us to sit down and gave us some talk.
He then said he need a volunteer, I stood up and say :" Me!"
I remember saying that :" Look you all sissy ! if I can make it, you all sure can make it also !!" Then I walked like a hero .....
And I kissed my butt good bye and followed Jaya into the micro cave while everyone is waiting from the back. As expected, the process was Homo Sapiens, king kong, anjhing, kuching, buaya darat, ular... and
1st micro cave was ok, easy to pass, I became an ular and I am ok already. The formula? Put your arms and hand infront, followed by your head, and shoulder and body and then squiiizeee your butt really hard, but don't fart ok? there are people behind for God sake!
Second hole then the problem come, stuck there for about 3 to 5 minutes, shirts and pants all wet already wet cause there are water and mud in the caves. Jaya asked me to use my foot to push myself forward, hmmmm, amazingly it worked and I am in another chamber... even smaller hole awaits me with an L shape turning... alamak !!!
At the chamber, I took out my belt, don't care if people see my butts or anything, i just don't want to stay in the cave anymore.
The tension feeling and fear is there because you are like, a worm moving slowly in a straw or tube, the only diffrence is that you know above you the mountain and rock is weigh about a few million tonnes, nothing big deal, no problem, just a few million tonnes of rock all above and over you, not worry?
***Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.*** Luckily I don't have claustrophobia or else I would be crying in there already.
At the 3rd hole or micro cave the real problem comes. My ribs and the ribs joint are stuck with the rocks. Could not move in anymore and i think about a lot of thing.... really made me think about all these funny thing, first thing come out in my mind
1. Help !!!
2. Malu betul !!!
3. How to get rescue guy to cut open a multi million tonne cave?
4. How long can I survive?
5. Do I have to stuck here for 2 weeks without food?
6. Have i paid all of my bills? Citibank? Car Loan? Oh no !!
7. How about my friends at my back? I am blocking them !
8. Did everyone pass the hole ok?
During the 3rd hole I became very very tired already. Cause the first 2 holes I was really moving like chaching already woh !! Feel really exhausted and tired during the 3rd cave.
Then Suja came to the rescue, he potong Q and came between me and the lee fong.
Scenario was like this :
Jaya => Kai //// Hong <= Suja // Lee Fong // Chee Yuan // the rest
// means hole, and yes Kai hong is stuck between 3rd hole.
Jaya was giving motivation to me, pulling my Polo shirt, and Suja was pushing my foot from behind, finally after some tired inch by inch move, I am out from the 3 rd hole. And i was so relieved and exhausted.
Here I would really want to thank Jaya and Suja for their help !!
If not till today i am still in this shape ==> Kai //// Hong
I used to have a nightmare or should I say un pleasant dream about being stuck at some emergency staircase or in between building. I feel after I passed all these 3 micro cave, I am a new guy already, no more nighmare about this.
To be continued at Caving 3 !!!
11:41 am
15 Dec 2004
Just put down phone after checking with Suja Yussoff, told him and I've seen the new type of battery for his helmet and LED stuff.
He now knows where is Low Yatt Plaza, thanks to me wah ah ha..
And he told me that he has been doing another 4 days cave adventure tak terhenti henti !! way to go mate !!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Caving at Dark Cave @ Batu Cave
Things to learn today :
1. Dark caves / Caving
2. Eco-tourism
3. Dark , how dark? cannot see your 5 fingers
4. Homo sapiens
5. Primate
6. Anjhing or kuching
7. Buaya Darat
8. Ular
9. Chaching
10. White snake
11. White spider
12. Bats & Bats crap !
13. Kat Chat or Siew Kiong or
14. Stalactite
15. Stalagmites
16. Rimstone
17. Cave Pearls
Today we will learn about Dark Cave or Gua Gelap, which is located besides Batu Caves, 12 KM from Kuala Lumpur city centre.
Ranger question :" Why is this place called Dark Cave?"
Johntim :" Sir !! because this place is dark sir !!"
Ranger answer : " the more important is that because this is a
cave ! "
Johntim bang head on the cave wall....
What a wonderful way to melt the ice and relax ourself before we begin a trip 2 km into the throat or dubur of Dark Cave, depends how you look at it .
There were 12 person of us, Johntim's office people plus our house people. Gathered at Batu Caves at 2:00 pm and
bada bing... bada bam ...bada booom !!
raining heavily and I began to curse..... wtf raining before the trip !! I did not know that the rain has actually saved my life, why? how? read on and you will know.... muah ha hah a...
Time was about 2:15 when we were doing the climbing of the 272 steps of stair case toward the top of batu caves,
the first 100 steps was go go go go go !! like counter strike.
5 minutes later and from staircase 100 and onwards. ..... it was
go .....
huh.... maciam sudah mahu mati itu maciam ...
It was raining really hard and we were all wet already before we could come to the entrance of the Dark Cave, the entrance is normally looked and no admitance to public. By the time we reached the Dark Cave entrance we were really panting so hard and some got their legs shaking and twisting and goyanging..... alamak...
And from there, we tested our fire power ( of torch light ) and have some drinks before we go into the cave with :
1. Jaya ( ranger team pioneer )
2. Suja ( a nice 1/2 Malaysian and 1/2 sweden ) Amir Yussoff anyone?
3. Mark ( handsome like Keanu Reeves, also 1/2 malaysian )
And the question was : " Why is this place called dark cave?".......
from there the journey began
( IE illegal operation again! Thanks Mr. Gates !! )
And then Suja lead us into the cave and he guided us and explained
the story, history and the formations of the limestone cave....
3 hours with these 3 person is like a 1 year course in some places
if you know what i mean.
So Suja gave us a lot of informations and knowledge while we proceed and
walk into the deeper part of the cave. I had no idea what was waiting for
me infront, not a chance in a life time :)
There was a point where we stopped and all of us swith off the torch light
and everything. Wow ! This is what I call Absolute Dark !!
It was so dark that it is even darker then when you close your eyes.... imagine.
You put your finger infront of your eyes and you can't see a thing, you can't
feel a thing.
Suja then said that in this kind of absolutely dark environment, the creatures
like bats, ants, bugs, snakes and everything here uses their sense of
hearing ( radar system ), tongue ( snakes ) , vibrations ( ants & bugs )
to detect what is infront of them and what is around them.
Suja then said, for a bunch of people like us to come in here , it is like
Godzilla coming to KL city and giving Boom ! boom ! boom !! everyday
and killing a lot of our people and destroying a lot of building.....
he then add on :" this is not precisely what eco-tourism about ..."
I agreed with him :)
After that while we proceed another 100 metre or so, we noticed a
white coloured snake, yeah it was a long snake, about 2 meters
to 2.5 meters, probably was enjoying his/ her hi tea when we came
it. The snake looked quite unhappy cause I think we have disturbed
the hi tea.... oppps ! sorry mate !!!
Suja and then said, no worry, cause Suja meet this snake 5 or 6 years
back and it's ok. We then just passed by the snake and left it to continue
it's hi tea.
We then came to a chamber and from there, you would not believe what
kind of cave ( i mean mini cave, nope I mean micro cave ) that we have
to squize ourselve through... you look at the size of the hole ( i mean micro
cave ) and you will not believe that I could pass through.
The rest of the story? Read on Cave 2 :)
11:44 am
13 Dec 2004
1. Dark caves / Caving
2. Eco-tourism
3. Dark , how dark? cannot see your 5 fingers
4. Homo sapiens
5. Primate
6. Anjhing or kuching
7. Buaya Darat
8. Ular
9. Chaching
10. White snake
11. White spider
12. Bats & Bats crap !
13. Kat Chat or Siew Kiong or
14. Stalactite
15. Stalagmites
16. Rimstone
17. Cave Pearls
Today we will learn about Dark Cave or Gua Gelap, which is located besides Batu Caves, 12 KM from Kuala Lumpur city centre.
Ranger question :" Why is this place called Dark Cave?"
Johntim :" Sir !! because this place is dark sir !!"
Ranger answer : " the more important is that because this is a
cave ! "
Johntim bang head on the cave wall....
What a wonderful way to melt the ice and relax ourself before we begin a trip 2 km into the throat or dubur of Dark Cave, depends how you look at it .
There were 12 person of us, Johntim's office people plus our house people. Gathered at Batu Caves at 2:00 pm and
bada bing... bada bam ...bada booom !!
raining heavily and I began to curse..... wtf raining before the trip !! I did not know that the rain has actually saved my life, why? how? read on and you will know.... muah ha hah a...
Time was about 2:15 when we were doing the climbing of the 272 steps of stair case toward the top of batu caves,
the first 100 steps was go go go go go !! like counter strike.
5 minutes later and from staircase 100 and onwards. ..... it was
go .....
huh.... maciam sudah mahu mati itu maciam ...
It was raining really hard and we were all wet already before we could come to the entrance of the Dark Cave, the entrance is normally looked and no admitance to public. By the time we reached the Dark Cave entrance we were really panting so hard and some got their legs shaking and twisting and goyanging..... alamak...
And from there, we tested our fire power ( of torch light ) and have some drinks before we go into the cave with :
1. Jaya ( ranger team pioneer )
2. Suja ( a nice 1/2 Malaysian and 1/2 sweden ) Amir Yussoff anyone?
3. Mark ( handsome like Keanu Reeves, also 1/2 malaysian )
And the question was : " Why is this place called dark cave?".......
from there the journey began
( IE illegal operation again! Thanks Mr. Gates !! )
And then Suja lead us into the cave and he guided us and explained
the story, history and the formations of the limestone cave....
3 hours with these 3 person is like a 1 year course in some places
if you know what i mean.
So Suja gave us a lot of informations and knowledge while we proceed and
walk into the deeper part of the cave. I had no idea what was waiting for
me infront, not a chance in a life time :)
There was a point where we stopped and all of us swith off the torch light
and everything. Wow ! This is what I call Absolute Dark !!
It was so dark that it is even darker then when you close your eyes.... imagine.
You put your finger infront of your eyes and you can't see a thing, you can't
feel a thing.
Suja then said that in this kind of absolutely dark environment, the creatures
like bats, ants, bugs, snakes and everything here uses their sense of
hearing ( radar system ), tongue ( snakes ) , vibrations ( ants & bugs )
to detect what is infront of them and what is around them.
Suja then said, for a bunch of people like us to come in here , it is like
Godzilla coming to KL city and giving Boom ! boom ! boom !! everyday
and killing a lot of our people and destroying a lot of building.....
he then add on :" this is not precisely what eco-tourism about ..."
I agreed with him :)
After that while we proceed another 100 metre or so, we noticed a
white coloured snake, yeah it was a long snake, about 2 meters
to 2.5 meters, probably was enjoying his/ her hi tea when we came
it. The snake looked quite unhappy cause I think we have disturbed
the hi tea.... oppps ! sorry mate !!!
Suja and then said, no worry, cause Suja meet this snake 5 or 6 years
back and it's ok. We then just passed by the snake and left it to continue
it's hi tea.
We then came to a chamber and from there, you would not believe what
kind of cave ( i mean mini cave, nope I mean micro cave ) that we have
to squize ourselve through... you look at the size of the hole ( i mean micro
cave ) and you will not believe that I could pass through.
The rest of the story? Read on Cave 2 :)
11:44 am
13 Dec 2004
Cave Features
Taken from
cause I hope to learn more about cave features :)
What happens when water meets limestone? What role does calcium carbonate play in what you see when you visit our caves? The answer to both questions: a lot! What most fascinates visitors to our caves are the amazing mineral deposits which occur in this naturally wet limestone environment. All of our cave formations have formed due to water seeping, flowing, retreating, and dripping. Of course, “Going with the flow” has always been natural in Bermuda. Even 80 feet underground!
These beautiful mineral deposits are called speleothems and listed below are some of the more remarkable features to be found in Bermudian caves:
In order to understand and appreciate stalactites, one must realize that it is from sliver-thin soda straws that these giants grow. Look at the ceilings of our caves. Notice how damp they are and how thin “icicles” hang from above. These “icicles” are actually soda straws or adolescent stalactites. These hollow tubes contain water and calcite crystals. As the water slowly drips through the straw, a bit of calcium carbonate is precipitated from the water and added to the end of the soda straw. This is what makes these soda straws grow downward.
And, of course, due to the damp nature of cave ceilings, most soda straws also conduct water on their external surfaces as well. In so doing, the same miraculous growth process occurs: Water flows down, heeding the call of gravity, and a little calcium carbonate is left behind. This adds to the width of the soda straws. Over time, the external growth of the soda straw blocks its hollow core, the internal flow ceases and the soda straw becomes a stalactite, which will be added to externally over the centuries.
NOTE: An important thing to know about stalactites is how to differentiate them from their similar sounding, but very opposite appearing neighbors, the stalagmites. One easy way is to remember the “c” in stalactite. That’s “c” for “ceiling.” Another way is to make the association that stalactites hang “tite” to the ceiling.
Stalagmites are perhaps one of the most closely observed cave formations because they are generally at ground level. When you are in a cave, close your eyes and listen. More than likely you will hear the sound of water dripping from the ceiling. What you are actually listening to may be the birth or growth of a stalagmite! These mounds are always reaching upward. And it is because of the wet nature of cave ceilings that stalagmites are formed in the first place. The water dripping from above contains calcium carbonate and as this water drips, it evaporates and leaves calcium deposited on the ground. The minerals begin to form a mound on the cave floor or ledges and eventually, if the conditions are just right, a stalagmite grows as—drop by drop and layer by layer—minerals are deposited continuously in the same spot.
Because stalagmites do not have to fight gravity the way stalactites do, they can grow much larger and heavier. Stalagmites have a great variety of possible shapes—from delicate and complex towers to wide disks to spindly “broomsticks.” There is one thing that most stalagmites have in common, though. They generally have blunted or rounded ends. This knowledge can come in handy if you ever see cave photos—especially the ones that feature lakes—and you can’t quite tell which way is up. Stalactites conversely, generally have very pointy tips.
NOTE: Perhaps you have already read the section about Stalactites. If so, here is the second part of the equation which will help you remember the difference between stalactites and stalagmites: the “g” in stalagmite is useful for remembering “ground.” Stalagmites form on the ground. Of course, the other way to remember the difference is to associate the “mite” in stalagmite to “it just mite make it up to the ceiling” or that stalagmites hold “mite” to the ground.
Perhaps the most common of all cave deposits, flowstone is formed in thin layers over existing features on the cave floor, ledges, or wall bedrock. Picture a cake to which someone keeps applying very thin layers of icing. The first several layers of icing will not usually hide the pronounced shape of the cake. However, icing layers six, seven, eight (and so on…) will successively obscure the cake’s shape and as the icing gets thicker, what once appeared to be a cake will become a thick, rounded mound. The icing has basically taken on “a life of its own” beyond the initial shape of the cake. This is very simply the way flowstone is formed. Water flows down walls and ledges and deposits calcite in layers. As a result of these rounding layers, flowstone may take the appearance of waterfalls. Or draperies, or even bacon.
Because caves are basically born of water, it should come as no surprise to find pools in many caves. But what a delightful sight these underground pools and streams are. Usually filled with extremely still, clear water, cave pools offer us a view of fairyland by perfectly mirroring the ceilings and other features of the cave. It is at the edges of these underground pools, that one finds the amazing cave feature called rimstone. Rimstone is usually made of calcite and forms dams around underground pools and streams. Sometimes these dams even have a stair step appearance. Rimstone dams form where there is a downward flow leading to the edge of a pool. And, very often rimstone is an extension of flowstone.
Soda Straws
Think of soda straws as stalactites in their infancy. They are made of calcite and are remarkably delicate and beautiful—often appearing as translucent thin glass rods. Soda straws are very appropriately named as they are simply long, hollow tubes. These remarkable speleothems are only as wide as the diameter of the single water drops which pass through them. Soda straws basically do the job of transporting water drops down from the ceiling of the cave towards the floor of the cave one drop at a time; at this, they excel. When the transported drops of water finally reach the open end of the soda straw, they may hang suspended in the air before falling. It is while clinging to the growing tip of the straw that the water drop loses carbon dioxide to the air in the cave. But, in losing carbon dioxide, the water drop precipitates calcium carbonate. This mineral is added to the end of the straw, lengthening it. Sometimes soda straws reach remarkable lengths before maturing into stalactites.
Cave Pearls
Most everyone knows that pearls are formed by successively layering minerals over a single grain of sand. And cave pearls are no different. They often begin with a grain of sand too, although they can also form on a piece of bone, fragments of soda straws or other foreign matter. Usually found in pools, cave pearls can be many different shapes and sizes, but the most well-known is the polished, spherical variety, which closely resembles the pearls found in oysters. As usual for most cave features, cave pearls form when water dripping into the pool loses carbon dioxide and precipitates calcite. Sometimes groups of totally unattached pearls are encountered lying within small cups in the cave. Experts believe that these pearls do not become attached because water dripping from above causes a constant subtle movement of the pearls.
Banjir di Kota Bharu
Berita Harian News = View from KB Hospital Besar
Banjir makin buruk:
Terengganu terputus hubungan, 12 lemas
Wartawan Berita Harian
KAKITANGAN Hospital Kota Bharu memindahkan pesakit
berikutan banjir memasuki kawasan hospital berkenaan
termasuk wad pesakit. - Gambar Haris Ibrahim.
KUALA LUMPUR: Banjir yang melanda Pantai Timur bertambah buruk semalam apabila Terengganu terputus hubungan dengan Kelantan dan Pahang manakala angka korban banjir terus meningkat kepada 12 orang.
Terbaru, enam lagi kematian dilaporkan di Kelantan termasuk dua yang masih hilang, masing-masing dua kematian di Terengganu dan satu di Pahang.
Sehingga lewat petang semalam, jumlah yang dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan banjir di ketiga-tiga juga meningkat kepada 9,874 orang, iaitu 5,078 di Kelantan, Terengganu (4,346) dan Pahang (450), berbanding kira-kira 4,000 orang kelmarin.
Sebahagian besar penduduk di Terengganu terperangkap selepas Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kuantan dan Kuala Terengganu-Kota Bharu terpaksa ditutup selepas dinaiki air antara 0.5 hingga 0.9 meter di empat tempat, semalam.
Sehingga jam 6 petang semalam, jalan yang ditutup kepada semua kenderaan ialah Kilometer 30 Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kota Bharu apabila Kampung Belara di Sungai Tong dinaiki air sedalam lebih 0.8 meter sepanjang 200 meter.
Ketua Polis Negeri, Senior Asisten Komisioner I Hussin Ismail, berkata jalan lain yang ditutup ialah Kilometer 64, Jalan Jerangau-Jabor, Km 11.2 Jalan Dungun-Kuantan, Km 91 dan 92 Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kuantan di Kampung Nyior.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, pergerakan peserta Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) keluar masuk ke Terengganu dan Pahang yang sepatutnya bermula hari ini ditangguhkan sehingga Ahad ini berikutan negeri itu dilanda banjir.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara (JLKN), Kamarudin Mohd Baria, berkata penangguhan itu membabitkan pergerakan peserta dari Terengganu ke Pahang, dari Pahang ke Terengganu dan dalam kawasan Pahang sendiri, dari Kuala Lumpur ke Pahang dan dari daerah lain di Terengganu ke Pahang.
Ini adalah kali kedua pergerakan peserta PLKN ditangguhkan berikutan banjir yang melanda negeri di pantai timur.
Kelmarin, JLKN menangguhkan pergerakan pelatih keluar masuk ke Kelantan hingga Ahad ini.
Katanya, peserta PLKN juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut dengan menghubungi bilik gerakan JLKN di talian 03-26873513/3514/3515/3516.
Di KOTA BHARU, angka korban banjir di Kelantan meningkat kepada lapan orang termasuk dua yang dipercayai masih hilang sejak kelmarin sehingga jam 4 petang semalam.
Empat mangsa yang ditemui lemas semalam ialah Che Mohd Zani Che Abdullah, 30, dari Kampung Apit, Dabong; Ibrahim Isa, 30, (Kampung Sungai Rek, Lak Loh, Kuala Krai); seorang warga Thai, 30-an, (Kampung Banggol Chekok, Gual Sitok, Rantau Panjang); dan seorang lelaki warga Indonesia dikenali Iskandar, 24, (Kampung Paloh, Gua Musang).
Ketua Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam (KDNKA) Superintendan Alias Mohamad, berkata usaha mencari dan menyelamat dua lagi mangsa yang dikhuatiri lemas masih diteruskan.
Beliau berkata, mereka ialah Che Husin Junuh, 42, dari Kampung Dasar, Sabak, di sini dan seorang lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Baharuddin dari Kampung Sungai Rek, Lak Loh, Kuala Krai.
Kelmarin, seorang kanak-kanak, Nik Muhamad Ameer Nik Anuar, tiga tahun, ditemui lemas selepas dipercayai terjatuh dalam longkang ketika bermain bersama rakannya di Kampung Banggol, Jalan Pantai Cahaya Bulan (PCB).
Che Husin dikhuatiri lemas, manakala tiga rakannya berjaya menyelamatkan diri apabila dua bot gentian yang mereka naik terbalik dibawa arus dan dipukul ombak besar di perairan Kampung Dasar, Pantai Sabak, Pengkalan Chepa, semalam.
Kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi, ketika Che Hussin bersama Shamsuddin Jaafar, 53; Nik Hassan Ahmad, 37 dan Mat Daud Mat Amir, 39, masing-masing menaiki dua bot.
Pada masa sama, 5,078 mangsa dari seluruh Kelantan yang dilanda banjir dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan banjir sehingga jam 4 petang semalam, berbanding hanya 1,863 kelmarin.
Pemindahan membabitkan jajahan Tanah Merah seramai 1,745 orang, Gua Musang (1,374), Kuala Krai (871), Jeli (746) dan jajahan lain (342). Mereka ditempatkan di 628 pusat pemindahan di seluruh negeri.
Di KUALA TERENGGANU, banjir di negeri ini meragut dua lagi mangsa apabila seorang pelajar tingkatan tiga lemas dan seorang wanita masih hilang dalam dua kejadian berasingan di Marang dan Hulu Terengganu, dalam tempoh 24 jam lalu.
Dalam kejadian jam 6 petang kelmarin, Mohd Faiz Mohd Nor, 15, pelajar tingkatan tiga Sekolah Menengah Tun Telanai, Bukit Payong, Marang dekat sini, lemas ketika mandi bersama rakannya di kawasan padang bola sepak yang ditenggelami air.
Mangsa yang sedang menunggu keputusan Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) dipercayai tidak tahu berenang, hanyut dibawa arus dan tenggelam beberapa minit selepas mandi di padang yang ditenggelami air sedalam kira-kira dua meter itu.
Rakan-rakan Mohd Faid cuba untuk menyelamatkannya tetapi gagal disebabkan arus deras yang menghanyutkan mangsa ke parit di tepi padang berkenaan.
Mayat Mohd Faid ditemui di kawasan parit di tepi padang berkenaan oleh penduduk kampung kira-kira tujuh jam selepas hilang.
Dalam kejadian kelmarin, seorang kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun menjadi korban pertama banjir apabila terjatuh ke dalam Sungai Temala selepas motosikal yang ditunggang bersama abangnya tergelincir ketika menyeberangi jambatan di Kampung Tanjung Belur, Pengkalan Berangan, Marang dekat sini.
Mayat Muhamad Irfan Rani ditemui tidak jauh dari tempat dia dihanyutkan air kira-kira jam 6 petang semalam.
Sementara itu, dalam kejadian berasingan, seorang suri rumah, Nor Hayati Saat, 30, dikhuatiri lemas selepas kereta yang dinaikinya hanyut dibawa arus deras di Jalan Kampung Jak, Hulu Terengganu.
Dalam kejadian jam 7.30 petang itu, Nor Hayati bersama suami, Zuzuki Mat Sari, 36, serta dua anak mereka, Zulhairi, 9, dan Abdul Hadi, 3, dikatakan sedang dalam perjalanan ke klinik di pekan Kuala Berang bagi mendapatkan rawatan.
Zuzuki berkata, ketika kejadian, beliau tidak menyedari jalan berkenaan dinaiki air kerana tempat kejadian gelap.
"Sebaik menuruni bukit di jalan berkenaan, secara tiba-tiba kereta saya dihanyutkan arus deras. Saya hanya sempat menyelamatkan dua anak saya yang duduk di belakang.
"Selepas keluar dari kereta, saya bersama anak berpaut pada sebatang pokok di tepi jalan manakala isteri dan kereta saya terus dihanyutkan arus. Ketika itu saya tidak lagi dapat melihat kereta saya kerana sudah ditenggelami air," katanya.
Zuzuki berkata, ketika berpaut pada pokok berkenaan, beliau hanya mampu berdoa semoga isterinya sempat keluar dan menyelamatkan diri.
Beliau bersama dua anaknya itu terpaksa menahan kesejukan selama kira-kira satu jam setengah sebelum diselamatkan seorang penduduk kampung yang kebetulan melalui jalan berkenaan yang menghubungi polis untuk mendapatkan bantuan.
Keretanya hanya ditemui kira-kira jam 10 pagi semalam, hampir 25 meter daripada tempat kejadian.
Bagaimanapun, Nor Hayati masih belum ditemui dan gerakan mencari masih diteruskan sehingga lewat petang semalam.
Jumlah mangsa banjir yang dipindahkan di seluruh Terengganu ke pusat pemindahan di empat daerah di negeri ini meningkat kepada 4,346 berbanding 2,470 orang kelmarin.
Di KUANTAN, seorang buruh binaan rakyat asing menjadi mangsa pertama banjir di negeri ini selepas dihanyutkan air Sungai Belat, Taman Perumahan Mahkota Jaya dekat sini, semalam.
Mustafa Shukri, 19, dari Jawa Timur, Indonesia, dipercayai tergelincir dari atas jambatan ketika melihat banjir bersama tiga rakannya kira-kira jam 9.30 pagi.
Seorang rakannya, Arwani Marhod, 24, cuba menyelamatkannya tetapi gagal kerana keadaan air sungai yang deras. Bagaimanapun, sehingga jam 4.25 petang semalam, mayat mangsa masih belum ditemui dan gerakan masih dijalankan.
Jumlah penduduk yang dipindahkan di seluruh negeri ini meningkat kepada 450 orang dan ditempatkan di 10 pusat pemindahan banjir.
Pusat pertama yang dibuka ialah Sekolah Kebangsaan Cenderawasih yang menempatkan 24 mangsa. Yang lain ialah Dewan Mat Kilau Hall (106), Sekolah Menengah Sungai Isap (33), Kampung Koleh Seberang, Sungai Lembing (50), Dewan Serba guna Kampung Kolek (32), Sekolah Kebangsaan Pandan (114), Dewan Orang Ramai Jaya Gading (36), Taman Kasturi (12), Kampung Sungai Charu (11) dan Kampung Ah Tong, Panching (32).

Banjir makin buruk:
Terengganu terputus hubungan, 12 lemas
Wartawan Berita Harian
KAKITANGAN Hospital Kota Bharu memindahkan pesakit
berikutan banjir memasuki kawasan hospital berkenaan
termasuk wad pesakit. - Gambar Haris Ibrahim.
KUALA LUMPUR: Banjir yang melanda Pantai Timur bertambah buruk semalam apabila Terengganu terputus hubungan dengan Kelantan dan Pahang manakala angka korban banjir terus meningkat kepada 12 orang.
Terbaru, enam lagi kematian dilaporkan di Kelantan termasuk dua yang masih hilang, masing-masing dua kematian di Terengganu dan satu di Pahang.
Sehingga lewat petang semalam, jumlah yang dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan banjir di ketiga-tiga juga meningkat kepada 9,874 orang, iaitu 5,078 di Kelantan, Terengganu (4,346) dan Pahang (450), berbanding kira-kira 4,000 orang kelmarin.
Sebahagian besar penduduk di Terengganu terperangkap selepas Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kuantan dan Kuala Terengganu-Kota Bharu terpaksa ditutup selepas dinaiki air antara 0.5 hingga 0.9 meter di empat tempat, semalam.
Sehingga jam 6 petang semalam, jalan yang ditutup kepada semua kenderaan ialah Kilometer 30 Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kota Bharu apabila Kampung Belara di Sungai Tong dinaiki air sedalam lebih 0.8 meter sepanjang 200 meter.
Ketua Polis Negeri, Senior Asisten Komisioner I Hussin Ismail, berkata jalan lain yang ditutup ialah Kilometer 64, Jalan Jerangau-Jabor, Km 11.2 Jalan Dungun-Kuantan, Km 91 dan 92 Jalan Kuala Terengganu-Kuantan di Kampung Nyior.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, pergerakan peserta Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) keluar masuk ke Terengganu dan Pahang yang sepatutnya bermula hari ini ditangguhkan sehingga Ahad ini berikutan negeri itu dilanda banjir.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara (JLKN), Kamarudin Mohd Baria, berkata penangguhan itu membabitkan pergerakan peserta dari Terengganu ke Pahang, dari Pahang ke Terengganu dan dalam kawasan Pahang sendiri, dari Kuala Lumpur ke Pahang dan dari daerah lain di Terengganu ke Pahang.
Ini adalah kali kedua pergerakan peserta PLKN ditangguhkan berikutan banjir yang melanda negeri di pantai timur.
Kelmarin, JLKN menangguhkan pergerakan pelatih keluar masuk ke Kelantan hingga Ahad ini.
Katanya, peserta PLKN juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut dengan menghubungi bilik gerakan JLKN di talian 03-26873513/3514/3515/3516.
Di KOTA BHARU, angka korban banjir di Kelantan meningkat kepada lapan orang termasuk dua yang dipercayai masih hilang sejak kelmarin sehingga jam 4 petang semalam.
Empat mangsa yang ditemui lemas semalam ialah Che Mohd Zani Che Abdullah, 30, dari Kampung Apit, Dabong; Ibrahim Isa, 30, (Kampung Sungai Rek, Lak Loh, Kuala Krai); seorang warga Thai, 30-an, (Kampung Banggol Chekok, Gual Sitok, Rantau Panjang); dan seorang lelaki warga Indonesia dikenali Iskandar, 24, (Kampung Paloh, Gua Musang).
Ketua Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam (KDNKA) Superintendan Alias Mohamad, berkata usaha mencari dan menyelamat dua lagi mangsa yang dikhuatiri lemas masih diteruskan.
Beliau berkata, mereka ialah Che Husin Junuh, 42, dari Kampung Dasar, Sabak, di sini dan seorang lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Baharuddin dari Kampung Sungai Rek, Lak Loh, Kuala Krai.
Kelmarin, seorang kanak-kanak, Nik Muhamad Ameer Nik Anuar, tiga tahun, ditemui lemas selepas dipercayai terjatuh dalam longkang ketika bermain bersama rakannya di Kampung Banggol, Jalan Pantai Cahaya Bulan (PCB).
Che Husin dikhuatiri lemas, manakala tiga rakannya berjaya menyelamatkan diri apabila dua bot gentian yang mereka naik terbalik dibawa arus dan dipukul ombak besar di perairan Kampung Dasar, Pantai Sabak, Pengkalan Chepa, semalam.
Kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi, ketika Che Hussin bersama Shamsuddin Jaafar, 53; Nik Hassan Ahmad, 37 dan Mat Daud Mat Amir, 39, masing-masing menaiki dua bot.
Pada masa sama, 5,078 mangsa dari seluruh Kelantan yang dilanda banjir dipindahkan ke pusat pemindahan banjir sehingga jam 4 petang semalam, berbanding hanya 1,863 kelmarin.
Pemindahan membabitkan jajahan Tanah Merah seramai 1,745 orang, Gua Musang (1,374), Kuala Krai (871), Jeli (746) dan jajahan lain (342). Mereka ditempatkan di 628 pusat pemindahan di seluruh negeri.
Di KUALA TERENGGANU, banjir di negeri ini meragut dua lagi mangsa apabila seorang pelajar tingkatan tiga lemas dan seorang wanita masih hilang dalam dua kejadian berasingan di Marang dan Hulu Terengganu, dalam tempoh 24 jam lalu.
Dalam kejadian jam 6 petang kelmarin, Mohd Faiz Mohd Nor, 15, pelajar tingkatan tiga Sekolah Menengah Tun Telanai, Bukit Payong, Marang dekat sini, lemas ketika mandi bersama rakannya di kawasan padang bola sepak yang ditenggelami air.
Mangsa yang sedang menunggu keputusan Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) dipercayai tidak tahu berenang, hanyut dibawa arus dan tenggelam beberapa minit selepas mandi di padang yang ditenggelami air sedalam kira-kira dua meter itu.
Rakan-rakan Mohd Faid cuba untuk menyelamatkannya tetapi gagal disebabkan arus deras yang menghanyutkan mangsa ke parit di tepi padang berkenaan.
Mayat Mohd Faid ditemui di kawasan parit di tepi padang berkenaan oleh penduduk kampung kira-kira tujuh jam selepas hilang.
Dalam kejadian kelmarin, seorang kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun menjadi korban pertama banjir apabila terjatuh ke dalam Sungai Temala selepas motosikal yang ditunggang bersama abangnya tergelincir ketika menyeberangi jambatan di Kampung Tanjung Belur, Pengkalan Berangan, Marang dekat sini.
Mayat Muhamad Irfan Rani ditemui tidak jauh dari tempat dia dihanyutkan air kira-kira jam 6 petang semalam.
Sementara itu, dalam kejadian berasingan, seorang suri rumah, Nor Hayati Saat, 30, dikhuatiri lemas selepas kereta yang dinaikinya hanyut dibawa arus deras di Jalan Kampung Jak, Hulu Terengganu.
Dalam kejadian jam 7.30 petang itu, Nor Hayati bersama suami, Zuzuki Mat Sari, 36, serta dua anak mereka, Zulhairi, 9, dan Abdul Hadi, 3, dikatakan sedang dalam perjalanan ke klinik di pekan Kuala Berang bagi mendapatkan rawatan.
Zuzuki berkata, ketika kejadian, beliau tidak menyedari jalan berkenaan dinaiki air kerana tempat kejadian gelap.
"Sebaik menuruni bukit di jalan berkenaan, secara tiba-tiba kereta saya dihanyutkan arus deras. Saya hanya sempat menyelamatkan dua anak saya yang duduk di belakang.
"Selepas keluar dari kereta, saya bersama anak berpaut pada sebatang pokok di tepi jalan manakala isteri dan kereta saya terus dihanyutkan arus. Ketika itu saya tidak lagi dapat melihat kereta saya kerana sudah ditenggelami air," katanya.
Zuzuki berkata, ketika berpaut pada pokok berkenaan, beliau hanya mampu berdoa semoga isterinya sempat keluar dan menyelamatkan diri.
Beliau bersama dua anaknya itu terpaksa menahan kesejukan selama kira-kira satu jam setengah sebelum diselamatkan seorang penduduk kampung yang kebetulan melalui jalan berkenaan yang menghubungi polis untuk mendapatkan bantuan.
Keretanya hanya ditemui kira-kira jam 10 pagi semalam, hampir 25 meter daripada tempat kejadian.
Bagaimanapun, Nor Hayati masih belum ditemui dan gerakan mencari masih diteruskan sehingga lewat petang semalam.
Jumlah mangsa banjir yang dipindahkan di seluruh Terengganu ke pusat pemindahan di empat daerah di negeri ini meningkat kepada 4,346 berbanding 2,470 orang kelmarin.
Di KUANTAN, seorang buruh binaan rakyat asing menjadi mangsa pertama banjir di negeri ini selepas dihanyutkan air Sungai Belat, Taman Perumahan Mahkota Jaya dekat sini, semalam.
Mustafa Shukri, 19, dari Jawa Timur, Indonesia, dipercayai tergelincir dari atas jambatan ketika melihat banjir bersama tiga rakannya kira-kira jam 9.30 pagi.
Seorang rakannya, Arwani Marhod, 24, cuba menyelamatkannya tetapi gagal kerana keadaan air sungai yang deras. Bagaimanapun, sehingga jam 4.25 petang semalam, mayat mangsa masih belum ditemui dan gerakan masih dijalankan.
Jumlah penduduk yang dipindahkan di seluruh negeri ini meningkat kepada 450 orang dan ditempatkan di 10 pusat pemindahan banjir.
Pusat pertama yang dibuka ialah Sekolah Kebangsaan Cenderawasih yang menempatkan 24 mangsa. Yang lain ialah Dewan Mat Kilau Hall (106), Sekolah Menengah Sungai Isap (33), Kampung Koleh Seberang, Sungai Lembing (50), Dewan Serba guna Kampung Kolek (32), Sekolah Kebangsaan Pandan (114), Dewan Orang Ramai Jaya Gading (36), Taman Kasturi (12), Kampung Sungai Charu (11) dan Kampung Ah Tong, Panching (32).
气象亮橙色信号·大雨持续 东海岸水灾恶化
2004/12/12 18:09:37 ●南洋商报
丹災情最嚴重‧交通全線中斷updated:2004-12-12 20:00:12 MYT
目前,龍運縣災黎一共有2526名、 甘馬挽縣667名、土兆縣264名、馬江縣31名及烏魯丁加奴縣501名。
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Mission Accomplished !
The time now is 9:21 am and the date is 7th December 2004.
This morning my sister called me up at about 7:30 am
Sis :" Hei did mom and pope call you?"
Me :" Nope why?"
Sis :" Alamak they did not turn up at Kajang train station!"
Sis :" I suspected they over sleep and end up in KL sentral!"
Me jumped up from bed, head hit wall, then fall back to bed.
Me :" Oh shit ! Sure ah?"
Sis :" Yeah !"
Me :" Ok wait, I will go to KL and pick them up !"
Sis :" Wait ah !"
Pop:" Hello still sleeping ah?"
Me : " &%%@#%%!(# # Mamachaha !"
Sis :" wah ha ha ha ha....."
Well that is another story of main api, kena api bakar & what goes around comes around !!!
Ok ! Cool ! Clever ! This one sure I am going to revenge!!
I will sure revenge !!
Well, let's forget about revenge and stuff like that cause I am a peaceful person, hey I even starred the Peacemaker 1998
with Nicole Kidman !! How about that? hmm?
Yesterday evening Ms.Esther Lee from my company asked me to sit down and talked to me. She said :" Eh don't get any fatter ok? Now meat everywhere, your face, your body, your legs and Jesus Christ ! No good !!"
She then said :" No more nasi lemak !"
She then said :" No leng chai already !"
She then said :" No good for health !"
I agreed and hmmm... I told myself let's go home and swim.
And ok !
7:15 pm Home Pangsai
7:20 pm Come out from Pangsai
7:25 pm Warming up
7:30 pm Start swimming
8:10 pm Finished 22 or 23 laps
8:30 pm Finished cooling down
9:00 pm Light dinner
10:0 pm Computer time
12:0 am Sleeping time
This morning, woke up and feel arm a bit tired :) wah ha ha means that I did work up good last night. And hopefully the I could stick to the plan and lose a few pound fast before chinese new year !! ok? I will be good and continue to swim one lah.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Weirdo Dream!!
Came back from Penang yesterday, arrived at 10 pm something at Ampang. Sent the two VIP back to their house and headed back to Damansara.
Well, if you ask me how was the Penang trip, I would say as tired as hell. But the result is I think quite out standing and good. Objective = 90% achieved and I think the trip to Penang should be concluded in a single blog topic, right?
Now I would like to write these down and record them while my memory is still fresh. I had a very very fantastic dream last night, or should I say this morning.
5am something normally is the time when the oxygen in my roon being used up..... so I had to walk and open the windows for air. After that I came back and sleep again............ there the weird things continued...
I was at the graveyard in Kuala Krai and was at my grandfather's grave. Hmm... you know from there we had to walk back to our command centre, which are 2 graves for the anchester of the Ho family. Normally we would just walk and jump besides the others people graves and wala we are there !
But, instead of normal path and way, I found myself standing at a few very large grave of other people. I was literary standing on people's grave ... my God !
I felt so uneasy cause chinese feel's it's not polite to stand on someone's grave while he/ she is 6 feet under !! Imagine if you are sleeping there and someone is stepping on your head, or your body, or your roof ;)
Well, anyway after I realized that I am standing on unknown's people grave, I quickily moved to another spot, but Jesus Christ I a then found myself on another's grave !! Same colour and same size and identical graves !! There must be 4 or more this kind of graves there cause I moved 3 times and evertime I landed on these large grave again.
Then somehow I found the path to move out from there and found the smaller road back to the other side of the mountains.
However, on the way to move around there was a huge crack at the path, something like mud slide, but I feel it is caused by TNB or local bulldozer digging machines.... WTF is TNB or Telekom digging a mud crack here? For God sake this is a grave !!!
Man the hole is very very deep and I had to cross it carefully.
And I think when I was crossing the mud there was a large hole which appear to be some hole or nest for snakes or local reptiles.
I prayed so that these creature does not come out and give me a bite at my ding dong cause it is going to be really painful !
And on the way crossing the mud place, Mr. Chew from ATM S/B and Andrew spoken to me ( and WTF are they doing in my hometown? ) They all said, any type of snake also no need to worry, the most scariest snake is Lazy Snake !!!
Geeee !! were they talking about me? Never mind then ....
By the way, my company owes these 2 person alot of CD-R and DVD-R lately ;) ke ke ke ke....
Right, back to the graveyards. After crossing the mud place I came to a small and newly opened path, full of grass and there were suddenly 3 student looked person walk towards me...
And I moved somemore I came to a library of a college or something.... isn't that scarry? Have to go back and study ?? Damn scarry... so basically this is what I remember from this morning dream. Later I will blog about the trip to Penang. which was fantastic and lovely and fruitful and really tiring !!! wah aha h.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Swimming is good?
Arrgh Good Day mate! ( Pronounced Arrh Good Die Mite *sounds from the termite*
Today is the 3rd day of December 2004, and my plan to stay fit before Chinese New Year arrived is still uncertain. Got to do something !! Got to do something !!
1st of December was a Wednesday and I swimmed for 45 minutes = 15 or 17 laps in our condo's swimming pool. And I started to enjoy from lap 10 and above.
After the swim whole body feel a little bit of itchy, no it is not because the water is dirty or I was allergic to the chemical of the water.
Once someone did not excersise for long time, the blood flows in his/ her body become slow, and if he/she suddenly gone for a good work out, the blood will circulate very quickily in the vassels resulting the itchy feeling underneeth your skin.
That's normal. You don't believe me? Try to stay lazy for 1 month and go for a good jog or work out, I bet your legs and stomach will feel itchy too when the blood moves quick in your vassels. I thought to myself, damn ! Long time no swim already !!! Can't let this happen again.
I have set myself a target, that in December i have to resume the 2 swimming session per week. And hopefully by Chinese New Year, the figure will go from 38 inch => 36 inch. 3 session of swimming per week seems to be a little bit difficult to reach some times.
I hope I could sustain this 2 swim per week till end of late 50's if it is possible. But you know, things are not easy to predict and Murphy Laws stated :" What could go wrong will go wrong !", see?
Today is Friday and I am suppose to swim for 45 minutes, but, but, but I need to go to Ipoh and Penang at 4 something, then how?
Well, the solution => bring my swimming trunk, caps and google with the trip and hope I could get lucky when I am in Penang. Hehehehe.... I think it is impossible for me to swim when I am on a trip... just work and sleep only lah. ( shhh.. alot of eating too... wah ha ha ha )
But I think for me, swimming is the best method to lose a few pounds. But if you want to get slim like Ally Macbeal then forget it. It is impossible to get slim like Ally McBeal by swimming.
If you don't believe me, try to look at the whales, they swim 24 hours a day man ! 24 hours and they swim their whole life and hmmm.... still .... relatively huge and big.
Last year before going to Gems Island with my buddies. I trained and trained for months ( about 3 months ) and skipped a lot of meal. Finally my butt get smaller and there were somehow some lines... finally body lines came out. Dang I was fit then ! Can fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee !! I was good! I was good ! I was damn good !
But due to the damn Gems Island cook and kitchen, we had 3 days & 2 night of buffet style breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the end of the days........... the result was :
I from Whale became Dolphine,
and from Dolphine back to a bigger Whale .... hell !! crap !!
I then pointed at my nose, and I shout loudly
:" How big jiao how big ! Big whale jiao Big whale leh!"
So, today what I would like to highlight is that if you want to see swimming result ( positive & healty one ) you have better start swimming twice or 3 times a week for 6 months or so.
And during that time please eat normally and cut down on oily, fatty, sweet and high caborhydrate food.
And Insya-Allah after 6 month or more time you would lose a few pounds. And get to see your dick again, or you will be able to tie your shoes again ( whops? Did i mention that I have big boobs too? )
No actually the main thing is that I hope that I could have a regular and healthy life. Don't want to getting old and start giving troubles to my family and my kids. It's really sad that one has to suffer sickness, while giving others family members a lot of trouble and hard time, isn't it?
Hence, please all of you who read this blog ( that is including myself ) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at least swim twice for 45 minutes. Push up is also good from time to time. Imagine if Wong Kai Hong of 1992 re-appear in Mid Kuala Lumpur? It's like Richard Gere or Will Smith in KLCC mate !! ( Pronounced termite )
Till then, pray for me and give me the will and faith to swim till the day that I am old.
Hello I am Lenny and I am Vegetarian !
And fish are friends, not for food ! Remember that !!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
放飞机 !Part Duex
Today we will learn how to use these sentences :
1. Oh crap & Room Mate
2. 100 elephant stumping & jumping & humping
3 Niagara Falls
4. How big jiao How big , 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 loh
5. Oh, it's OK I am in KL already Will be discussed later.
Are we ready? Well let's continue from the story 放飞机 Part 1 =
Yeah Fane Yuan my "room mate*" saved my day, and why all these text and words seems to be very familiar and Deja Vu ? Cause I have typed all of these text 30 minutes before on Internet Explorer ( another proud product from Mr. Bill Gates ) and suddenly Oh Crap illegal operation and all IE windows gone with the crap !!
So here I am, san san fu fu again typing everything that looks so familiar and Deja Vu !! Oh Crap!!
Well, let's continue with Fane Yuan, my lovelyroom mate House mate was the one who saved my day the other day when I was stuck in KLIA after I missed the flight. Half of today's blog is dedicated to her and her good friend Johntim. Both of them are my housemate and without them, I am not complete today.
Ok ! Roll back time to 9:05 pm 1st April 2004 Thursday, after they dropped me at KLIA, without knowing that I am already missed the flight. They all left me happily and heading to KLIA toll exit. But on the way, Fane Yuan had a feeling of 100 big stupid elephant stumping, jumping and humping in the stomach, or feeling like Niagara Falls or something like that. Johntim had to make an emgergency brake from third lane of KLIA high way and shifted to 1st gear , pull the parking brake and the car changed lane into a little place call Petronas. There Fane Yuan settled the Elephant & Niagara Falls bill and issue and feel, wheeeeeww ! Song !!
Because of these Fane feeling & the stop at Petronas, it gave me a window to called them up and told them to return to KLIA Departure hall to pick me (who obviosly failed to depart ) up, and carry me home in their lovely Produa Kelisa.
Else, yes, there was no more flight to Kota Bharu that night and i had to either wait for second day morning flight like ( tom hanks in The Terminal ) or I have to take a RM10.00 bus back to LRT Station at Chan Sow Lin and take a cab home.... Fane and Johntim did not let those happen and instead they came back for me.
I thanked them in the car, but I saw tears in their eyes. They also asked me
:"how? what should we do now?What to do now?"
Cis ! Muka cili padi yang melampau, maka hatta mereka berdua dua telah pun berketawa sejauh 10 KM dari Toll KLIA sehinggalah ke KLIA, bukannya air mata kerana sedih akibat saya terlepas pernebangan saya, tetapi air mata yang terjadi akibat ketawa yang berketelaluan. Beginilah rupanya rakan serumah yang tinggal dengan saya. Rakan Serumah yang melampau! Suatu hari nanti pasti akan saya bikin satu filem berjudul " Kisah Rakan Serumah yang Melampau !"
Maka hatta, setelah saya menaiki kereta Kelisa 1.0 Automatic buatan Produa. Air mata mereka masih tak terhenti henti bercucuran dan muka mereka kejang akibat ketawa yang berketelaluan. Yang jantan muka jadi macam Richard Gere manakala yang bertina itu muka jadi macam Julia Roberts !!
Manakala saya yang kasian di belakang berseorangan, hanya tanya kepada diri saya :" Apa boleh buat? Makan roti loh !!呜 呜 呜 呜 呜 呜 (like Liang Poh Poh like that )" Masalahnya pada ketika itu, kulit roti atau pembungkus roti pun tiada dalam kerata, macam mana nak makan roti macam itu?
well, all these small issue above is not that important in my life, the most important part of the story is that.
"Not everyone can affort to 放飞机 one !"
You know, actually only the Rich and Famous in this world are able to 放飞机? Ask any Tom, Dick and Harry, have they 放飞机 before?
Answer = No !
Only the rich and famouse like William Ho, Tom Hanks, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Phoebe, Joey & Chandler, Samuel Tong, Phillips Tong & the rest could affort to 放飞机. Why?
Because simply 放飞机 is not a cheap thing to do. If you are not rich and famous, no no no !! you just cannot do that.
Me? I am diffrent ! I am good ! that's why when I 放飞机 I could still be happy and pointed at my nose and shout :" Yo ! 放飞机 zhe ma, sai mat keng ah?"
or even better, me pointing at my nose and shout, shout loudly
:" How big jiao How big, 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 leh !" No pain !
Even the rich and famous to 放飞机 and see how? William Ho will not enjoy it cause he wants to save $$$ for company, Rachel will feel the pain, Bill Gates, if he missed his flight, he feels like throwing 200 copies of Windows XP Pro into Klang River, that's why Bill Gates is now writting Flight Simulator 2005 so that in future he could pilot himself and will never miss any flight again.
Bill Clinton and George Bush also feel the pain of missing the flights.
Bill Clinton once missed the flight due to Monica Lewinsky Storm and Goerge Bush missed his flight cause Saddam Hussein called him and chatted with him for hours, that's why Bush is still angry with Saddam till now ! till now !!
You see not everyone is as 潇 洒 as me, when come to 放飞机.
I just pointed at my nose and shout, shout loudly
:" How big jiao How big, 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 leh !" No pain !
See? The diffrence from successful rich and famous people vs
VERY VERY successful rich and famous people ( that is me! )
Shhh.... to tell you the truth, the 1st April 2004 wasn't the first time I 放飞机. Actually 3 months later it happened again...
but those, will be discussed in our 放飞机 Part III The Rise of The King. ok? Stay tuned and till then, take good care of yourself.
Mr. John Lim asked me :" Kai Hong where is your room mate, Ms Chiam?" So I pointed at my nose and shout loudly. "No ! She is not my room mate, she is my house mate lah !"
1101 Words 4:29 pm 2nd December 2004. Thursday. MTSB
1. Oh crap & Room Mate
2. 100 elephant stumping & jumping & humping
3 Niagara Falls
4. How big jiao How big , 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 loh
5. Oh, it's OK I am in KL already
Are we ready? Well let's continue from the story 放飞机 Part 1 =
Yeah Fane Yuan my "room mate*" saved my day, and why all these text and words seems to be very familiar and Deja Vu ? Cause I have typed all of these text 30 minutes before on Internet Explorer ( another proud product from Mr. Bill Gates ) and suddenly Oh Crap illegal operation and all IE windows gone with the crap !!
So here I am, san san fu fu again typing everything that looks so familiar and Deja Vu !! Oh Crap!!
Well, let's continue with Fane Yuan, my lovely
Ok ! Roll back time to 9:05 pm 1st April 2004 Thursday, after they dropped me at KLIA, without knowing that I am already missed the flight. They all left me happily and heading to KLIA toll exit. But on the way, Fane Yuan had a feeling of 100 big stupid elephant stumping, jumping and humping in the stomach, or feeling like Niagara Falls or something like that. Johntim had to make an emgergency brake from third lane of KLIA high way and shifted to 1st gear , pull the parking brake and the car changed lane into a little place call Petronas. There Fane Yuan settled the Elephant & Niagara Falls bill and issue and feel, wheeeeeww ! Song !!
Because of these Fane feeling & the stop at Petronas, it gave me a window to called them up and told them to return to KLIA Departure hall to pick me (who obviosly failed to depart ) up, and carry me home in their lovely Produa Kelisa.
Else, yes, there was no more flight to Kota Bharu that night and i had to either wait for second day morning flight like ( tom hanks in The Terminal ) or I have to take a RM10.00 bus back to LRT Station at Chan Sow Lin and take a cab home.... Fane and Johntim did not let those happen and instead they came back for me.
I thanked them in the car, but I saw tears in their eyes. They also asked me
:"how? what should we do now?What to do now?"
Cis ! Muka cili padi yang melampau, maka hatta mereka berdua dua telah pun berketawa sejauh 10 KM dari Toll KLIA sehinggalah ke KLIA, bukannya air mata kerana sedih akibat saya terlepas pernebangan saya, tetapi air mata yang terjadi akibat ketawa yang berketelaluan. Beginilah rupanya rakan serumah yang tinggal dengan saya. Rakan Serumah yang melampau! Suatu hari nanti pasti akan saya bikin satu filem berjudul " Kisah Rakan Serumah yang Melampau !"
Maka hatta, setelah saya menaiki kereta Kelisa 1.0 Automatic buatan Produa. Air mata mereka masih tak terhenti henti bercucuran dan muka mereka kejang akibat ketawa yang berketelaluan. Yang jantan muka jadi macam Richard Gere manakala yang bertina itu muka jadi macam Julia Roberts !!
Manakala saya yang kasian di belakang berseorangan, hanya tanya kepada diri saya :" Apa boleh buat? Makan roti loh !!呜 呜 呜 呜 呜 呜 (like Liang Poh Poh like that )" Masalahnya pada ketika itu, kulit roti atau pembungkus roti pun tiada dalam kerata, macam mana nak makan roti macam itu?
well, all these small issue above is not that important in my life, the most important part of the story is that.
"Not everyone can affort to 放飞机 one !"
You know, actually only the Rich and Famous in this world are able to 放飞机? Ask any Tom, Dick and Harry, have they 放飞机 before?
Answer = No !
Only the rich and famouse like William Ho, Tom Hanks, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Phoebe, Joey & Chandler, Samuel Tong, Phillips Tong & the rest could affort to 放飞机. Why?
Because simply 放飞机 is not a cheap thing to do. If you are not rich and famous, no no no !! you just cannot do that.
Me? I am diffrent ! I am good ! that's why when I 放飞机 I could still be happy and pointed at my nose and shout :" Yo ! 放飞机 zhe ma, sai mat keng ah?"
or even better, me pointing at my nose and shout, shout loudly
:" How big jiao How big, 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 leh !" No pain !
Even the rich and famous to 放飞机 and see how? William Ho will not enjoy it cause he wants to save $$$ for company, Rachel will feel the pain, Bill Gates, if he missed his flight, he feels like throwing 200 copies of Windows XP Pro into Klang River, that's why Bill Gates is now writting Flight Simulator 2005 so that in future he could pilot himself and will never miss any flight again.
Bill Clinton and George Bush also feel the pain of missing the flights.
Bill Clinton once missed the flight due to Monica Lewinsky Storm and Goerge Bush missed his flight cause Saddam Hussein called him and chatted with him for hours, that's why Bush is still angry with Saddam till now ! till now !!
You see not everyone is as 潇 洒 as me, when come to 放飞机.
I just pointed at my nose and shout, shout loudly
:" How big jiao How big, 放飞机 jiao 放飞机 leh !" No pain !
See? The diffrence from successful rich and famous people vs
VERY VERY successful rich and famous people ( that is me! )
Shhh.... to tell you the truth, the 1st April 2004 wasn't the first time I 放飞机. Actually 3 months later it happened again...
but those, will be discussed in our 放飞机 Part III The Rise of The King. ok? Stay tuned and till then, take good care of yourself.
Mr. John Lim asked me :" Kai Hong where is your room mate, Ms Chiam?" So I pointed at my nose and shout loudly. "No ! She is not my room mate, she is my house mate lah !"
1101 Words 4:29 pm 2nd December 2004. Thursday. MTSB
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
G Tough and G Shock
Haha don't get me wrong here, I am not writing about Casio's G Shock or G Tough wrist watch, but here I am writing about my attitude for the next 2 months in my work.
I think I am going to be pretty much tough and give my existing nasty customer some shock of their life. Not supprisingly there are a lot of nasty customer in this industry who thinks size and financial capability is everything. Well I hope that for the next 2 months I could use my power to prove them wrong.
The CD-R industry in Malaysia was having a terrible time for the past 3 or 4 months time. The price for CD-R dropped from RM 0.60 to RM 0.30 for the past 12 months and it ended yesterday. Today is 1st of December 2004 and I am about to do something about the price, and I am going to get tough and kasi people a lot of shock today.
Previously there were to many parties ( distributors ) who worked with others via rumors, nonsense, grapevine, false news release, dishonouring purchase and all sort of nonsense and nasty thing.
That had hurted our factory pretty much, as well as our competitor factory. Well now, I think i am going to do something special about it today and I would want you (reader) to pray for me and give me strength to do just that.
I am going to announce price hike to RM 0.38 and RM 0.40 for the month of December 2004. And for January I hope we could look at RM 0.43 to RM 0.45 for CD-R. If I could achieve that without sacrifying my sales. Well I am going to be happy and even could have a nice Chinese New Year, else, it's going to be a long and winding road ahead.
The feedback from nasty customer for the past 1 and 1/2 years reveals that there is no point and not necessary for us as principle to be too kind to customer most of the time. Anyway it is only business and there should not be any personal in it :)
Perhaps you , me and everyone don't know what the hell am I talking about? well I am writing this blog for myself to give mysefl a clear direction and attitude for the next 2 months time. Remember that :) Or perhaps all of us will understand what is this blog about in short and near future..... oh hell !!
放飞机 !Part 1
Alright, today is exactly 8 months after my first time 放飞机, today is 1st December 2004 and the time is 9:36 am.
Today I would like to remember 2 things for the rest of my life.
1. To read carefully on your air line ticket. ( air asia = ticketless woh)
2. Don't be too over confident.
Roll back to 1st April 2004, Thursday and I was suppose to board a plane ( Air Asia from KLIA to Kota Bharu ) and I remembered the time on the ticket printout from my computer = 9:55 pm.
And after work, came back took bath and waited for my housemate to dinner at New Paris Tit Tat !! After a lovely meal we proceed to KLIA at 8 something, i think it was 8:20 pm, and they asked me if I would be on time for the flight, I said : "Hell Yes Sure !!"
On the way to KLIA i was the one who was driving the little Produa Kelisa.... and my hosemate was nervous if I could make it on time.
I told them :" Hell yes ! I am good and be there by 9:00 pm !"
" and the flight is at 9:55 pm, still got time to go pangsai !"
After about 40 minutes, that was about 9:00 pm when our little car stopped infront of the KLIA departure mall. Gate 2 or 3. I looked at my watch and said to them on their face :" Told you ! I am good!"
" I am good man, I am good !" " I am good !"
So I took my baggage and walked like Will Smith towards Air Asia check in counter. So darn happy because the second day would be the Ching Ming Festival when we would all go to picnic at our anchester graveyards.
When I arrived at Air Asia counter, the light was dimmed, I said to myself " Woh baby, that is what I call romantic & lovely!" And there was a sign written " Counter & Gate Closed!"
WTF? WTF? I asked a guy over the counter and he said sorry I can't help you sir. However there is an office for air asia office at 4th floor, hence I dragged my luggage and ran like hell to the office. Complained to them saying that:" Why your counter are closed at 9:00 pm while the flight is at 9:55 pm?"
The office people :" Hell no! Our flight to KB is 9:15 pm not 9:55!"
And I looked outside the windows, the Air Asia plan has just took off and left some fumes for me to sniff and enjoy. WTF? And there was not much that I could do, called my housemates to pick me up, but they would not buy my story, I said I missed the plane but they all said :" Tipu lah !"
I said :" No ! For god sake please turn back and pick me up!"
They all : " Eh today April Fool , jangan tipu lah !"
But then finally, they all came back to pick me up. On the way back to my house, they all laughed like hell. Cause I told them that I was good ! I was good ! And I called fat lady, she also tak percaya until she heard my housemate voice, alamak, and I called my mother and she also not believe, she said jangan tipu.
Fine, I called my office people and said I missed the flight, she didn't buy it ! On second day when I appear in office, they all only laugh on the floor with tears in their eyes.
Moral of the story again :
1. Read your air line tickets
2. Don't be over confident, never !!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Ipoh oh Ipoh Part Duex
It's a wonderful day here in KL today, weather is warm as snake ass and wind = 0.
What a wonderful way to start a blog entry eh?
Well let's back to Ipoh, a good friend of mine has just reminded me on what has actually happened on the day, that would be 20th of Nov, 2004! OMG I was enjoying myself watching Jaws 2 via Astro HBO or Cinemax OMG OMG why would I enjoy this kind of movie !?? Help!!!
But another friend of mine lagi chiat lat, he was watching Chee Yin's ( Father of Nicolas Tse Ting-Fung , Nicolas? Boy friend or Ex Boy friend of Faye Wong ) movie back to 1960's, the Lui Kei's and Chan Pou Chu's era, oh did I mention black and white movie era?? muah ha ha ha. OMG Chee Yin in black and white movie, damn scarry and funny !!
Alright, let the memory continues at the moment of exiting Simpang Pulai's toll, while my tooth experiancing extreme pain ( sure sakit gigi lah ! damn 2 hours drive caused me RM 23 over!)
Stoped and took 10 panadol !! gulp gulp gulp !! + coke + Pepsi ===> Blur blur liao !
Right, yes after Simpang Pulai toll this is the direction I turned my car , I turned right !! And went all the way straight heading to Ipoh town. Traffic was still ok because it was Saturday evening and there were not much of car and vehicle on the road.
From there, after passing 2 or 3 traffic light, or more , I have came to a newly opened flyover or something like high rised road, which also an enjoyable drive I would say. The flyover has reflective lamp illumination system, meaning that instead of using normal streat light to illuminate the road during the night, the light is beam to the sky, and there is a reflector like a panel to reflect the light back to the road, brilliant and nice idea :) I like it !!!
Whoops ! came to a Y juntion, but I remember my friend Andy Won has advised me to keep right and keep straight. Well, I listened to his word. 2 minutes later I see this casionova or something like that the hotel at my right. Drive another 1 km, found the roundabout promptly and made the legal 6 o clock turn ( u-turn da! ) at the roundabout and reach the hotel just in on time.
Got some big business to do now, gtg and please tune in for the episode of Ipoh oh Ipoh !!
What a wonderful way to start a blog entry eh?
Well let's back to Ipoh, a good friend of mine has just reminded me on what has actually happened on the day, that would be 20th of Nov, 2004! OMG I was enjoying myself watching Jaws 2 via Astro HBO or Cinemax OMG OMG why would I enjoy this kind of movie !?? Help!!!
But another friend of mine lagi chiat lat, he was watching Chee Yin's ( Father of Nicolas Tse Ting-Fung , Nicolas? Boy friend or Ex Boy friend of Faye Wong ) movie back to 1960's, the Lui Kei's and Chan Pou Chu's era, oh did I mention black and white movie era?? muah ha ha ha. OMG Chee Yin in black and white movie, damn scarry and funny !!
Alright, let the memory continues at the moment of exiting Simpang Pulai's toll, while my tooth experiancing extreme pain ( sure sakit gigi lah ! damn 2 hours drive caused me RM 23 over!)
Stoped and took 10 panadol !! gulp gulp gulp !! + coke + Pepsi ===> Blur blur liao !
Right, yes after Simpang Pulai toll this is the direction I turned my car , I turned right !! And went all the way straight heading to Ipoh town. Traffic was still ok because it was Saturday evening and there were not much of car and vehicle on the road.
From there, after passing 2 or 3 traffic light, or more , I have came to a newly opened flyover or something like high rised road, which also an enjoyable drive I would say. The flyover has reflective lamp illumination system, meaning that instead of using normal streat light to illuminate the road during the night, the light is beam to the sky, and there is a reflector like a panel to reflect the light back to the road, brilliant and nice idea :) I like it !!!
Whoops ! came to a Y juntion, but I remember my friend Andy Won has advised me to keep right and keep straight. Well, I listened to his word. 2 minutes later I see this casionova or something like that the hotel at my right. Drive another 1 km, found the roundabout promptly and made the legal 6 o clock turn ( u-turn da! ) at the roundabout and reach the hotel just in on time.
Got some big business to do now, gtg and please tune in for the episode of Ipoh oh Ipoh !!
Monday, November 22, 2004
Ipoh oh Ipoh
The date was Saturday 20th Nov 2004,
The truth is out here:
1.30pm, kai hong enter house
Kok(kai hong housemate):"when u want go to Ipoh?"
kai hong: "maybe half and hour later, rest first"
2.00pm, fane reach home,fane: "when u want go to Ipoh?"
Kai hong: "maybe after half hour lagi"
2.30pm, Kai hong watching TV
3.00pm, Fane fall sleepy
Kai hong watching TV
3.30pm, Fane going out to pick up fren, sally & silly Donno what kai hong do
4.00pm, Fane reach home.Kai hong still watching TV with luggage beside
4.05pm, Finally kai hong goes to Ipoh.This is ther real story
Well at 4pm after having some rest and took a bath, I told myself :" there we go again !" 4:05 pm I left Caltex of TTDI Kuala Lumpur and heading to PLUS highway, Ipoh direction, enterance point = Jalan Duta Toll Plaza.....
On the road, we had rain, heavy rain first, then drizzling, then heavy rain again, the annoying part? The water droplets from the vehicles tires infront. Very tiny dots of water makes the road quite misty :) Had to drive slow at these stretch, and well, 2 hours later I arrived at Simpang Pulai, no problemo :) and arrived at destination hotel on time, just 7 minutes after 6 pm.... gosh I am good !! And wah piang the toll charges was 20 or 23 dollar plus plus lah ! Damn expensive!!
Since I have to work now, the Ipoh story is to be continued :)
Correction :) A good friend of mine has just "reminded me" what actually happened that day wah ah ah ah ha....
Friday, November 19, 2004
Balik Kuala Lumpur... oh oh oh ... Balik Kuala Lumpur
Hmmm :) Let's remember something which is happier this wonderful morning. Yeah it is 19th November 2004 today and it is a sunny Friday out there. Had enough of sleep and the office is still a bit empty, why? some people are still in holiday mood I guess.
After spending a wonderful 5 days 4 night at Kota Bharu, I feel very much recharged and I think I have just gained another 3 Kg... omfg!!
I took 3 months to lose 3 Kg and took 4 nights just to regain them back, lol !!
Luckily I spent 1 day ( Deepavali day ) at Kuala Lumpur before I go back to Kelantan, else it would be 6 days 5 night in Kota Bharu and the total gained fat <==== 4 or 5 Kg !! Wah ha ha ha !!
It's ok that I am back to Kuala Lumpur now, everything is back to normal and I am having some new goal and target to achieve. That is to bring more sales and to make my life more stable by year 2005.
Let's do some recording before I am totally forgoten about the trip Kuala Lumpur => Kota Bharu => Kuala Lumpur.
12th Nov Friday 5:30 am <=== Leave TTDI KL
12th Nov Friday 6:30 am <=== Arrived Bentong
12th Nov Friday 8:00 am <=== Finished Breakfast at Bentong
12th Nov Friday 11:00 am <== Tire changed at Gua Musang + Drinks
12th Nov Friday 12:30 pm <== Kuala Krai Rest + Drinks + Visited Police Station + Jalan Jirat ( were looking for Kai Chong )
12th Nov Friday 1:30 pm < === Left Kuala Krai and head Kota Bharu
12th Nov Friday 2:30 pm < === Arrived KB, Shang Hai book shop
The rest, history !!! Got to work, and to be continued!
CD-R Orders Delayed... Again
Now that the price of CD-R media are going up and the Christmas Sales for 2004 is just around the corner. Suddenly out of nowhere that the orders for CD-R just fly in..... some ordered 500K, some ordered 200K, some looking at 800K, and the best part is that on my hand I still have a PO at 1.8 million which could trace back to Sep 2004.
Why would this happens? External factor would be the pre Christmas orders, price hike for CD-R news released ... and Internal factor would be , I think less focus on local sales production. Any huge OEM or oversea order could paralyse the local OEM orders. Production will come with an answer like :" Could not have the capactity and bla bla bla "
I could hardly see any First Come First Serve basis... nope I don't feel that at all and I feel so sorry for that.
Working in this kind of environment makes me feel less comfortable because sometimes we work so hard just to bring in more orders and try to out beat our competitors, but at the end of the days, after we are succesful to bring in orders, internal factor has caused the delay or even cancellation of orders. What to do? Don't ask me, this is a question that everybody from high to low trying to avoid.
Let's keep it that way. Way to go !!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
On the spot blog!
Now time has come to 5:48 pm and it is Deepavali's eve, everybody is in holiday mood and the hearts and minds are all baliking kampung now.
For the rest of us in MTSB, we are still waiting for a Honourable Discharge Order (HDO) from Mr. William Ho. :) muah ah ha... actually we are just waiting for all the appointments and pending issues to be settled before we could go home for some fun.
Weather outside is very very hot and wet, feel like it is going to be another thunderstorm night. Alamak I have just washed my car yesterday, RM10 car wash at 4pm before going to KLIA. After washing the car yesterday it was drizzling again until the night time.
Arrived promptly at KLIA at 7:10 pm , 5 minutes earlier then what William has suggested, but due to the custom officer's speed of handling customer, William was early, hence he waited for me for a couple of minutes at door 6. Pick him and on the way we gone back to Office. After the office short meeting we proceeded to Oversea Restaurant at Subang Parade located at Subang Jaya.
After the dinner with William, George and Lee Zhong, the rain turned heavy and it is no more drizzling, well I thought at least it is good for cleaning my car exterior.
The food was ok, but a lot of protein for sure :) Drive home safely I told myself.
When I arrived at condo, stayed under heavy rain ( water from condo's ceiling ) to clean the exterior of my car. ( why the heck that I love my car so much? ) and arrived at parking bay. before the reverse parking, did a full speed drive and emergency brake just to test out the brake system. As expected, my car skidded for a few meters cause the cemen floor was all wet.... bad wira... no ABS or anything, only disc brakes and drum brakes.
After that, the rest are history and routine, just climb back to 10th floor, take bath and play online game till 1 am :) that's about all of 9th november 2004.
Good day and be happy.
1GB email storage for free? Yahoo vs Gmail

Gmail or Yahoo Mail also 1GB (1,000 MB) lah.
Johntim yesterday gave me a link and asked me to click on it, this link will enable user to fill up some sort of Yahoo Mail upgrading system and walla, in no time my Yahoo mail was being upgraded to 1.0 GB for free already.
Click Me !
This link is from China and I think this huge 1.0GB is provided by our kind China Yahoo, and I would like to congratulate and thank them for their effort :)
So if you also have Yahoo account, and I assume your storage limit is 100MB currently, why not give it a try and get yourself a 1GB Yahoo mail for free instantly. Click at the link below and then click " Upgrade my account " and we are done.
Or Click Me !
Balik kampung... oh oh oh... balik kampung
The time now is 2:27 pm and the date is 10th November 2004.
Tomorrow will be Deepavali day, hence Happy Deepavali Dei !
And for Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya in advance. Hope you all could be safe and comfort on the way home while you baliking kampung today or tomorrow... remember, safety first and if you see me driving fast on the way........... please give way :)
Cause I am good and... you know...
A few more hours would be free for me already, 6pm or 7pm would be a lovely and good time to go home.
But since William is around factory today, there might be a possibility of going home later then that. Perhaps there would be a meeting and discussion after that, just hope that the meeting could end faster and let me go home for a nice rest. But , I still have so much of out standing issue to be discussed with him... how? Very tension !!
I hope things and issue with MTSB could be settled by today, before 10 pm.
Anyway, this is what I am going to do regardless what are the results of the meeting:
Tomorrow morning or Friday morning, around 4:30 am or 4:00 am, I will leave Damansara and TTDI with a full load of Ron 97 petrol ( preferrable Caltex Voltex RM 1.43 per litre ).
by 5:30 I should be near Bentong already, and by 6:30 I should be arriving near Raub.
From Raub I have to make decision whether if I should take the Sungai Koyan road or using the exisiting new trunk road. Man this is going to be a tough decision to make. If Sungai Koyan the road will be smooth and less vehicle, but it is a longer distance, while original upgraded trunk road via Kuala Lipis would be shorter in distance, but might need to expect more vehicles.
Well, what the heck, let's worry about it when I reach Raub right? :)
After that by 8:30 am I should be arriving at Gua Musang already I think, and from there to Kuala Krai <===== 1 hour 15 minutes if the traffic is good. Let's make it 10 am.... to arrive at Kuala Krai.
And from Kuala Krai to arrive at Kota Bharu <==== 1 hour means that I should be arriving between 11 am to 12 pm of Friday or Thursday if my plan works out. Just hope that the traffic is ok and don't give me 10 hours drive, cause I am definitely going to curse a lot if the drive is more then 6 hours.
Reach Kota Bharu in noon time, have a nice meal from home and, sleep time for 3 hours, for this kind of life and quality of life, ain't that a bitch?Ain't that?
Tomorrow will be Deepavali day, hence Happy Deepavali Dei !
And for Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya in advance. Hope you all could be safe and comfort on the way home while you baliking kampung today or tomorrow... remember, safety first and if you see me driving fast on the way........... please give way :)
Cause I am good and... you know...
A few more hours would be free for me already, 6pm or 7pm would be a lovely and good time to go home.
But since William is around factory today, there might be a possibility of going home later then that. Perhaps there would be a meeting and discussion after that, just hope that the meeting could end faster and let me go home for a nice rest. But , I still have so much of out standing issue to be discussed with him... how? Very tension !!
I hope things and issue with MTSB could be settled by today, before 10 pm.
Anyway, this is what I am going to do regardless what are the results of the meeting:
Tomorrow morning or Friday morning, around 4:30 am or 4:00 am, I will leave Damansara and TTDI with a full load of Ron 97 petrol ( preferrable Caltex Voltex RM 1.43 per litre ).
by 5:30 I should be near Bentong already, and by 6:30 I should be arriving near Raub.
From Raub I have to make decision whether if I should take the Sungai Koyan road or using the exisiting new trunk road. Man this is going to be a tough decision to make. If Sungai Koyan the road will be smooth and less vehicle, but it is a longer distance, while original upgraded trunk road via Kuala Lipis would be shorter in distance, but might need to expect more vehicles.
Well, what the heck, let's worry about it when I reach Raub right? :)
After that by 8:30 am I should be arriving at Gua Musang already I think, and from there to Kuala Krai <===== 1 hour 15 minutes if the traffic is good. Let's make it 10 am.... to arrive at Kuala Krai.
And from Kuala Krai to arrive at Kota Bharu <==== 1 hour means that I should be arriving between 11 am to 12 pm of Friday or Thursday if my plan works out. Just hope that the traffic is ok and don't give me 10 hours drive, cause I am definitely going to curse a lot if the drive is more then 6 hours.
Reach Kota Bharu in noon time, have a nice meal from home and, sleep time for 3 hours, for this kind of life and quality of life, ain't that a bitch?Ain't that?
Monday, November 01, 2004
Petrol Price Hike?
I remembered, for 1 litre of Petrol :
RM 1.15
RM 1.37
RM 1.42
RM 1.75 ?? Is RM 1.75 coming soon?
Well I am not worried, infact not worried at all, like Jack said? I already have a Mountain Bike ready for me !! Muah ha ha... muah ha ha...muah ha ha ha ha ha....
The rumors was that today 1 Nov 2004, the petrol price will be adjusted to RM 1.75 per litre for RON 97. Well, what should I say? Thanks to USA ! Thanks to India, Thanks to Bangladash !
Alanis Morisatte !
Actually I always feel that in a modern world, we should always be energy efficient and conserve energy, and use renewable energy.
1. Use bicycle
2. Use natural gas and less electricity.
Bicycle is a good stuff actually, it doesn't require fuel or anything, just paddle and go ! Like a view from the good old days in China, the whole Beijing city was full of bicycle and you could hardly see any car there.
10 years ago, I was cycling everyday from house to shcool, house to beach, basically I use bike to everywhere within the town of 20Km radious. It was a lot of fun and I was like very fit like Van Damne.
Now, 2004, no bicycle since I stay in condos, tummy is huge, face is round, butt is large, body become soggy.... like some loser. Government should made us use bicycle to work everyday as well as to going to school as well.
The only problem is that if we use bycycle to work, by the time we reach office, our CK II, Hugo Boss and nice perfume would be gone with the wind, in that case, take a bath in office lah before work muah ah ha...
Love the earth, recycle.
RM 1.15
RM 1.37
RM 1.42
RM 1.75 ?? Is RM 1.75 coming soon?
Well I am not worried, infact not worried at all, like Jack said? I already have a Mountain Bike ready for me !! Muah ha ha... muah ha ha...muah ha ha ha ha ha....
The rumors was that today 1 Nov 2004, the petrol price will be adjusted to RM 1.75 per litre for RON 97. Well, what should I say? Thanks to USA ! Thanks to India, Thanks to Bangladash !
Alanis Morisatte !
Actually I always feel that in a modern world, we should always be energy efficient and conserve energy, and use renewable energy.
1. Use bicycle
2. Use natural gas and less electricity.
Bicycle is a good stuff actually, it doesn't require fuel or anything, just paddle and go ! Like a view from the good old days in China, the whole Beijing city was full of bicycle and you could hardly see any car there.
10 years ago, I was cycling everyday from house to shcool, house to beach, basically I use bike to everywhere within the town of 20Km radious. It was a lot of fun and I was like very fit like Van Damne.
Now, 2004, no bicycle since I stay in condos, tummy is huge, face is round, butt is large, body become soggy.... like some loser. Government should made us use bicycle to work everyday as well as to going to school as well.
The only problem is that if we use bycycle to work, by the time we reach office, our CK II, Hugo Boss and nice perfume would be gone with the wind, in that case, take a bath in office lah before work muah ah ha...
Love the earth, recycle.
美女可延壽研究發現勝做有氧運動updated:2004-10-31 17:51:26 MYT
Now you all know why I love to go to Sungai Wang and Low Yatt plaza everyday already? muah aha ha h....
Now you all know why I love to go to Sungai Wang and Low Yatt plaza everyday already? muah aha ha h....
Friday, October 29, 2004
Pak Tor Part II On 24th October 2004
Continued.... from Part 1
After sending the Japs back to the Hotel located at next to a famous expensive privated Medical Centre in Subang Jaya ( no I will not, I repeat I will not reveil the name of the Subang Jaya expensive Medical Centre, no way ! ), we proceed to the last mission of the day.
From Subang Condo for the Sam Lap Far, we crouched into my tiny Proton Wira and head on to SS2 Petaling Jaya.
On the way, William Ho my boss
asked me, " Oi you open Pasar Malam one ar?"
I replied ," No sir, I work for you only, Sir !"
William," Why your car look like Pasar Malam car like that one?"
I replied," Err Sir!.... to busy do sales, no time to keep car clean, Sir!"
William," Who is this? I mean what is this?" He found my Botak Football Star Figure....
I replied," Some fragnence that I got FOC from Caltex while filling up petrol the other day, Sir!"
William, " Ok.."
I was like, " Whew !"
And there we go, Mr. Steven Loh was sitting at the frond passenger seat, while William sat at the back of the Proton Wira 1.5 GLS :) SS2 here we come.
On the way, we chat about alot of things and the atmosphere was really relaxing.
15 minutes later, we arrived at SS2 , Chow Yang ( in Cantonese it is pronounced Chiew Yong )
and we sit down, time was about 11:00 pm I think or 10:45 pm and we ordered a Hokkien Nooddles and a plate of Lady Finger kena Goreng Sotong..... ha ha ahh a....
While waiting for the food we chat again about various things, and I told them I stayed at opposite house before back to year 1997. And there were advantages and disadvantages here staying to close to Chiew Yong,
Pros : Easy access to nice food, not cheap though
Cons : Damn farking jam on Thursday night cause Pasar Malam :)
And, whops ! Here come our Nooddles + Lady Fingers kena goreng Sotong .... hmmm... smells so damn good ! And oh we ordered 3 glasses of Summui Kat Chai drinks... damn kao this drink......
When William see the noddles and lady fingers kena goreng sotong, he said one very wisdom sentence that I will remember for the rest of my life ,
William :" Wah cannot do this everyday, if like this ah! Chiat Lat !"
Steven :" You are right !"
Me, munch munch munch, kunyahying kunyahying the nice food gulp telan, looked at them innocently and ask, " What.......?"
Well, we chat and eat and chat and eat, the atmosphere was really good, drizzling a little but we didn't care....
Wasn't that wonderful? I think yes.... it was wonderful tonight !!
Wonderful Tonight : Performed by Eric Clapton.
After sending the Japs back to the Hotel located at next to a famous expensive privated Medical Centre in Subang Jaya ( no I will not, I repeat I will not reveil the name of the Subang Jaya expensive Medical Centre, no way ! ), we proceed to the last mission of the day.
From Subang Condo for the Sam Lap Far, we crouched into my tiny Proton Wira and head on to SS2 Petaling Jaya.
On the way, William Ho my boss
asked me, " Oi you open Pasar Malam one ar?"
I replied ," No sir, I work for you only, Sir !"
William," Why your car look like Pasar Malam car like that one?"
I replied," Err Sir!.... to busy do sales, no time to keep car clean, Sir!"
William," Who is this? I mean what is this?" He found my Botak Football Star Figure....
I replied," Some fragnence that I got FOC from Caltex while filling up petrol the other day, Sir!"
William, " Ok.."
I was like, " Whew !"
And there we go, Mr. Steven Loh was sitting at the frond passenger seat, while William sat at the back of the Proton Wira 1.5 GLS :) SS2 here we come.
On the way, we chat about alot of things and the atmosphere was really relaxing.
15 minutes later, we arrived at SS2 , Chow Yang ( in Cantonese it is pronounced Chiew Yong )
and we sit down, time was about 11:00 pm I think or 10:45 pm and we ordered a Hokkien Nooddles and a plate of Lady Finger kena Goreng Sotong..... ha ha ahh a....
While waiting for the food we chat again about various things, and I told them I stayed at opposite house before back to year 1997. And there were advantages and disadvantages here staying to close to Chiew Yong,
Pros : Easy access to nice food, not cheap though
Cons : Damn farking jam on Thursday night cause Pasar Malam :)
And, whops ! Here come our Nooddles + Lady Fingers kena goreng Sotong .... hmmm... smells so damn good ! And oh we ordered 3 glasses of Summui Kat Chai drinks... damn kao this drink......
When William see the noddles and lady fingers kena goreng sotong, he said one very wisdom sentence that I will remember for the rest of my life ,
William :" Wah cannot do this everyday, if like this ah! Chiat Lat !"
Steven :" You are right !"
Me, munch munch munch, kunyahying kunyahying the nice food gulp telan, looked at them innocently and ask, " What.......?"
Well, we chat and eat and chat and eat, the atmosphere was really good, drizzling a little but we didn't care....
Wasn't that wonderful? I think yes.... it was wonderful tonight !!
Wonderful Tonight : Performed by Eric Clapton.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Pak Tor on 24th October 2004
We went to a famous Chinese Restaurant located at the 4th floor of KLCC and arrived there at about 7pm, had a look at the fountain and pool outside the KLCC before that.
After ordering the food, the food served sequence was as below :
1. Shark Fin Soup + Crab Plier <----------- Tiger Beer Number 1 served
2. Abalone ( 3 head, but I see no head :)
3. Lamb Ribs + Fried Vegetable
4. Vagetables + Scallop <------------------ Tiger Beer Number 2 served
5. Lobster with Yee Nooddles.
6. Seven Star Sek Pan, steam with soyce source.
7. Desert = Sweet Mango + Buah Ciku.
8. Bill & Check = RM 1,130.xx wah pieng !
Came out from the restaurant with big air bag at the front, and had a walk in the crowd and heading to the Fountain and Pool outside of KLCC again. It was raining drizzling then, but the lights to the Twin Towers are on and it looked nice. There were couples sitting in the rain at the staircase before the fountain and well they made people mellow.
Suddenly realised that I didn't come to KLCC especially the fountain area for very very long time since I moved out from Ampang and finished my student life. Actually KLCC is a very good place to visit I guess for a walk and windows shopping. Stuff are not cheap if there is no mega sales or super offer there.
After the KLCC walk in the cloud.. .. er.. .. I mean crowd we head on to Kuala Lumpur Tower which is about 2 km away from KLCC. Arrided there without any problem cause the traffic was clear, passed by, Tourism Board, Hard Rock Cafe, Shangrila Hotel and some famous pub and finally we were at the foot of famous Kuala Lumpur Tower ( KL Tower aka Telekom Tower ).
This tower is currently ranked number 4 tallest telecommunication tower in the world. Just behind the Canada, Russia, and Shang Hai tower if I am not wrong. The entrance fee were :
1. RM15 for foreigner
2. RM 8 for local ( Must provide your My Card with Smiling Photo )
I was wondering that, man , why is that a discrimination for foreigner. Why do they have to pay more..... and the answer ? right there when we arrived at the observation deck. Oh and there is a revolving ( rotating ) restaurant 1 floor above the observation deck. They have buffet lunch and dinner there I heard, and the food there, err.... good for those who wish to cut down on their body weigh I guess :)
Anyway, when we walked out from the lift, I immediately realised why is there an RM 7.00 diffrence for foreigner and local. The foreigner actually are provided with a MPEG player or audio player that explains and discribes and introduce the scenary that is seen from the observation deck... the atmosphere was so cool, air cond was good, light was dim, minimum noise and the sky was clear, I didn't know how far that we could see but it was one of the best weather available because the it was raining quite heavily for the past week. Hence the sky was really ok, feel like stepping the whole world under my foot. Geee.. those staff working at KL Tower must have their ego cause they step ... hey I am standing on your blardy head !! I am higher then you are !! ... and I am in a 4th highest tower in the world which could withstand the wind pressure up to 90miles per hour.... he he he...
Alright, finally we finished watching and ( listenting ) the 11 or 12 availeble angle for Klang Valley and head back to our vehicle. It was still drizzling and it was so nice weather in KL.
Traffic back to Subang Jaya ? Perfect with minimum vehicle on the road except Federal Highway and Brickfield...
It would be a best event and atmosphere to ask for proposal under this drizzling day with cool atmosphere, but sitting next to me was not my girlfriend or any sweet young thing, they were :
1 Mr. William Ho from MJC ( My boss )
2 Mr. Steven Loh at front passanger side
3. Mr. Naha our security head driving the company van
4. Mr. Adachi from JVC
5. Mr. Korata from JVC
Oh a wonderful night, a wonderful dinner, a wonderful walk at KLCC, and a wonderful atmosphere with a group of all grown up man was .... I would say unique but I enjoyed it so much, really? yes ! really really.
After ordering the food, the food served sequence was as below :
1. Shark Fin Soup + Crab Plier <----------- Tiger Beer Number 1 served
2. Abalone ( 3 head, but I see no head :)
3. Lamb Ribs + Fried Vegetable
4. Vagetables + Scallop <------------------ Tiger Beer Number 2 served
5. Lobster with Yee Nooddles.
6. Seven Star Sek Pan, steam with soyce source.
7. Desert = Sweet Mango + Buah Ciku.
8. Bill & Check = RM 1,130.xx wah pieng !
Came out from the restaurant with big air bag at the front, and had a walk in the crowd and heading to the Fountain and Pool outside of KLCC again. It was raining drizzling then, but the lights to the Twin Towers are on and it looked nice. There were couples sitting in the rain at the staircase before the fountain and well they made people mellow.
Suddenly realised that I didn't come to KLCC especially the fountain area for very very long time since I moved out from Ampang and finished my student life. Actually KLCC is a very good place to visit I guess for a walk and windows shopping. Stuff are not cheap if there is no mega sales or super offer there.
After the KLCC walk in the cloud.. .. er.. .. I mean crowd we head on to Kuala Lumpur Tower which is about 2 km away from KLCC. Arrided there without any problem cause the traffic was clear, passed by, Tourism Board, Hard Rock Cafe, Shangrila Hotel and some famous pub and finally we were at the foot of famous Kuala Lumpur Tower ( KL Tower aka Telekom Tower ).
This tower is currently ranked number 4 tallest telecommunication tower in the world. Just behind the Canada, Russia, and Shang Hai tower if I am not wrong. The entrance fee were :
1. RM15 for foreigner
2. RM 8 for local ( Must provide your My Card with Smiling Photo )
I was wondering that, man , why is that a discrimination for foreigner. Why do they have to pay more..... and the answer ? right there when we arrived at the observation deck. Oh and there is a revolving ( rotating ) restaurant 1 floor above the observation deck. They have buffet lunch and dinner there I heard, and the food there, err.... good for those who wish to cut down on their body weigh I guess :)
Anyway, when we walked out from the lift, I immediately realised why is there an RM 7.00 diffrence for foreigner and local. The foreigner actually are provided with a MPEG player or audio player that explains and discribes and introduce the scenary that is seen from the observation deck... the atmosphere was so cool, air cond was good, light was dim, minimum noise and the sky was clear, I didn't know how far that we could see but it was one of the best weather available because the it was raining quite heavily for the past week. Hence the sky was really ok, feel like stepping the whole world under my foot. Geee.. those staff working at KL Tower must have their ego cause they step ... hey I am standing on your blardy head !! I am higher then you are !! ... and I am in a 4th highest tower in the world which could withstand the wind pressure up to 90miles per hour.... he he he...
Alright, finally we finished watching and ( listenting ) the 11 or 12 availeble angle for Klang Valley and head back to our vehicle. It was still drizzling and it was so nice weather in KL.
Traffic back to Subang Jaya ? Perfect with minimum vehicle on the road except Federal Highway and Brickfield...
It would be a best event and atmosphere to ask for proposal under this drizzling day with cool atmosphere, but sitting next to me was not my girlfriend or any sweet young thing, they were :
1 Mr. William Ho from MJC ( My boss )
2 Mr. Steven Loh at front passanger side
3. Mr. Naha our security head driving the company van
4. Mr. Adachi from JVC
5. Mr. Korata from JVC
Oh a wonderful night, a wonderful dinner, a wonderful walk at KLCC, and a wonderful atmosphere with a group of all grown up man was .... I would say unique but I enjoyed it so much, really? yes ! really really.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Some good pick up lines.
HE: Can I buy you a drink?
SHE: Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE : I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE : How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must've been given your share.
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE: Okay, get out.
He : Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
She : Burrp..
He : What's wrong?
She: I think I have just vommit in my mouth.
HE: I think I could make you very happy.
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?
HE: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why? Don't you already have one?
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.
HE: Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE: So, what do you do for a living?
SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
HE: Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE: Do not enter.
HE: Your body is like a temple.
SHE: Sorry, there are no services today.
HE: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Where I'll be the rest of your life - in your wildest dreams.
FORWARD TO WOMEN IN NEED OF SOME LAUGHS (and men who may appreciate
good humor)
HE: Can I buy you a drink?
SHE: Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE : I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE : How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must've been given your share.
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE: Okay, get out.
He : Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
She : Burrp..
He : What's wrong?
She: I think I have just vommit in my mouth.
HE: I think I could make you very happy.
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?
HE: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why? Don't you already have one?
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.
HE: Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE: So, what do you do for a living?
SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
HE: Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE: Do not enter.
HE: Your body is like a temple.
SHE: Sorry, there are no services today.
HE: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Where I'll be the rest of your life - in your wildest dreams.
FORWARD TO WOMEN IN NEED OF SOME LAUGHS (and men who may appreciate
good humor)
Knock knock, what time is it now?
Click at the below link to see what time is it, in a... err... funny way :
Just move your mouse to the link, right click and insysallah you can Open in new windows.
Clock One
Clock Two
Clock Three
Clock Four
Don't be late to your next appointment, and don't let people waiting for you ok?
Some people, while waiting for people will be face black black one you know?
Some people just cannot wait,
cannot wait for girlfriend make up lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to chose and make decision which dress to wear lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to finish unfinished work from office lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to do shopping lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to go outstation so that he can luan luan lai lah,
you know, some people just cannot wait.... how?
This kind of people, because they cannot wait, they rather pay money to use the highway or make a big extra 10 Km distance route just to avoid a few traffic light.
This blog contribution is from Chen Ah Jet the Jetgeliggem from Singapore... thanks Jet !
Just move your mouse to the link, right click and insysallah you can Open in new windows.
Clock One
Clock Two
Clock Three
Clock Four
Don't be late to your next appointment, and don't let people waiting for you ok?
Some people, while waiting for people will be face black black one you know?
Some people just cannot wait,
cannot wait for girlfriend make up lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to chose and make decision which dress to wear lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to finish unfinished work from office lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to do shopping lah,
cannot wait for girlfriend to go outstation so that he can luan luan lai lah,
you know, some people just cannot wait.... how?
This kind of people, because they cannot wait, they rather pay money to use the highway or make a big extra 10 Km distance route just to avoid a few traffic light.
This blog contribution is from Chen Ah Jet the Jetgeliggem from Singapore... thanks Jet !
Friday, October 15, 2004
Cara yang boleh dapat Free Credit pada prepaid phone.
Cara mereload prepaid tanpa membayar duit. Pelik kan.
Aku dapat daripada member yg keje kat kedai hp
kat area2 sekitar ipoh.
Duduk berborak dengan dia aku pun korek lah
rahsia pasal handphone ni. Last-last cair jugak
dia. Dia pun bagi tau lah aku cara-cara nak
mereload prepaid ni secara percuma.
Ok, sila baca keterangan dibawah ni untuk
kegunaan ngkorang...
untuk semua talian 012,013,016,017 dan
019,anda semua selepas ini tak payahlah pergi
ke kedai handphone lagi untuk mereload prepaid
anda. disini ada cara untuk mereload handphone
dengan cara yang agak illegal.. tapi cara
mereload handphone ini hanya boleh digunakan
pada 20 hingga 30 haribulan pada setiap bulan.
Ini kerana setiap talian ini di upgrade pada
masa- masa ini.
Ok, kepada pengguna talian
012,013,016,017,019, dail 1415007 dan tunggu
dalam 5 saat dan anda akan dengar seperti
bising, tunggu sehingga bunyi itu hilang dan dail
9151 tunggu 3 saat dan tekan nombor telefon anda.
Anda akan dengar dia cakap "please insert you
pin number" masukkan 011785 45227 00734
tunggu selepas dia kata nombor pin selesai,
lepas tu dial 0405 untuk kl dan s'gor, 0406 utk
kawasan lain semenanjung dan 0409 utk sabah
Anda akan mendengar "for airtime top-up press
1723" selepas dail nombor kemudian tekan
nombor telefon anda sekali lagi.
Tunggu selepas bunyi bising selesai, dial
4455147 diikuti 146 selepas 5 saat...
Ok, selepas beberapa saat, anda akan
mendengar "your pin number is accept" anda
terus dail 1007 dan anda akan dengar "your key
number is accept" terus dail 4566 dan anda
akan dengar "your password is accept".
Lepas itu terus dail nombor talipon anda dan
anda akan dengar
"pale hotak kau berjambul 66, kat dalam dunia ni
mana ada
benda yang free, zaman skang nih masuk toilet
pun kena bayar 20
Dan anda terus matikan handphone anda dan
akan kata "jahanam punya orang hantar bulettin
ni!" tapi lepas itu kamu akan forward kepada
rakan-rakan untuk menipu mereka pula....
Sudah lah pi balik buat kerja masing-masing..
Sekian,terima kasih.....
Aku dapat daripada member yg keje kat kedai hp
kat area2 sekitar ipoh.
Duduk berborak dengan dia aku pun korek lah
rahsia pasal handphone ni. Last-last cair jugak
dia. Dia pun bagi tau lah aku cara-cara nak
mereload prepaid ni secara percuma.
Ok, sila baca keterangan dibawah ni untuk
kegunaan ngkorang...
untuk semua talian 012,013,016,017 dan
019,anda semua selepas ini tak payahlah pergi
ke kedai handphone lagi untuk mereload prepaid
anda. disini ada cara untuk mereload handphone
dengan cara yang agak illegal.. tapi cara
mereload handphone ini hanya boleh digunakan
pada 20 hingga 30 haribulan pada setiap bulan.
Ini kerana setiap talian ini di upgrade pada
masa- masa ini.
Ok, kepada pengguna talian
012,013,016,017,019, dail 1415007 dan tunggu
dalam 5 saat dan anda akan dengar seperti
bising, tunggu sehingga bunyi itu hilang dan dail
9151 tunggu 3 saat dan tekan nombor telefon anda.
Anda akan dengar dia cakap "please insert you
pin number" masukkan 011785 45227 00734
tunggu selepas dia kata nombor pin selesai,
lepas tu dial 0405 untuk kl dan s'gor, 0406 utk
kawasan lain semenanjung dan 0409 utk sabah
Anda akan mendengar "for airtime top-up press
1723" selepas dail nombor kemudian tekan
nombor telefon anda sekali lagi.
Tunggu selepas bunyi bising selesai, dial
4455147 diikuti 146 selepas 5 saat...
Ok, selepas beberapa saat, anda akan
mendengar "your pin number is accept" anda
terus dail 1007 dan anda akan dengar "your key
number is accept" terus dail 4566 dan anda
akan dengar "your password is accept".
Lepas itu terus dail nombor talipon anda dan
anda akan dengar
"pale hotak kau berjambul 66, kat dalam dunia ni
mana ada
benda yang free, zaman skang nih masuk toilet
pun kena bayar 20
Dan anda terus matikan handphone anda dan
akan kata "jahanam punya orang hantar bulettin
ni!" tapi lepas itu kamu akan forward kepada
rakan-rakan untuk menipu mereka pula....
Sudah lah pi balik buat kerja masing-masing..
Sekian,terima kasih.....
Sunday, October 10, 2004
從前曾搭著膊在照相 公園裡共你比賽攀樹上
還有 甚麼歌 都亂唱
插著褲袋哨子吹響 看夕照是如此漂亮
一切 就這樣分享
時間 製造缺陷 不停
再共我回憶中約定 心裡 就有感應
即使走過幾趟遠路 如何都掙不開歲月擺佈
這刻收一收腳步 為對方拍拍滿身的塵土
好想知你可會快樂 還是終躲不開生活煎熬
只想 你仍安好
還有 熟悉的 那些歌唱
那夕照 仍然很漂亮 跟你 看著同一方
從前曾搭著膊在照相 公園裡共你比賽攀樹上
還有 甚麼歌 都亂唱
插著褲袋哨子吹響 看夕照是如此漂亮
一切 就這樣分享
時間 製造缺陷 不停
再共我回憶中約定 心裡 就有感應
即使走過幾趟遠路 如何都掙不開歲月擺佈
這刻收一收腳步 為對方拍拍滿身的塵土
好想知你可會快樂 還是終躲不開生活煎熬
只想 你仍安好
還有 熟悉的 那些歌唱
那夕照 仍然很漂亮 跟你 看著同一方
Friday, October 08, 2004
Lam Soon Merge with Parkson ( 8 Oct 2004 )
Received a call from my Remisier this morning,
She said: " Wei you heard that Lam Soon and Parkson merged already ?"
I said :" Yeah meh? Have not read news paper yet !"
She said :" Merged and got listed at KLSE liao loh !"
I asked :" Wah so fast? Under what name?"
She said :" Lam-pa lor "
I reply :" Then help me to buy Lam-pa nor liap ! I will bank in money for you later !"
She said :" Oh ok !"
She said: " Wei you heard that Lam Soon and Parkson merged already ?"
I said :" Yeah meh? Have not read news paper yet !"
She said :" Merged and got listed at KLSE liao loh !"
I asked :" Wah so fast? Under what name?"
She said :" Lam-pa lor "
I reply :" Then help me to buy Lam-pa nor liap ! I will bank in money for you later !"
She said :" Oh ok !"
孩子!當你還很小的時候,我花了很多時間,教你慢慢用湯匙、用筷子吃東西。 教你繫 鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。這些和你在一起的點點滴 滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。 所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想..... 極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。
孩子!你忘記我們練習了好幾百回,才學會的 第一首娃娃歌嗎?是否還記得每天總要我絞盡腦汁,去回答不知道你從哪裡冒出來的嗎?
所以,當我重覆又重覆說著老掉牙的故事,哼著我孩提時代的兒歌時,體諒我.讓我繼續沉醉在這些回憶中吧! 切望你,也能陪著我閒話家常吧!
孩子!如今,我的腳站也站不穩,走也走不動。所以,請你緊緊的握著我的手,陪著我,慢慢的。就像當年一樣,我帶著你一步一步地走。 若為人子女也不懂如何體諒他們,那他們便只能於痛苦中渡過餘生,黑暗中..............逝去...
請把此文章轉發給您的朋友,讓他們知道家人才是最重要的。愛情可以重新再找尋 , 但我們的父母一生卻只得一個,珍惜、珍重。
Someone forwarded this article to me, I feel it's so true and so touching, so love your parents while you still can.
樹欲靜而風不止,子欲養而親不在. 別等了,馬上告訴爸媽你很 sayang 他們的好嗎?現在就做,去吧!
孩子!當你還很小的時候,我花了很多時間,教你慢慢用湯匙、用筷子吃東西。 教你繫 鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。這些和你在一起的點點滴 滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。 所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想..... 極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。
孩子!你忘記我們練習了好幾百回,才學會的 第一首娃娃歌嗎?是否還記得每天總要我絞盡腦汁,去回答不知道你從哪裡冒出來的嗎?
所以,當我重覆又重覆說著老掉牙的故事,哼著我孩提時代的兒歌時,體諒我.讓我繼續沉醉在這些回憶中吧! 切望你,也能陪著我閒話家常吧!
孩子!如今,我的腳站也站不穩,走也走不動。所以,請你緊緊的握著我的手,陪著我,慢慢的。就像當年一樣,我帶著你一步一步地走。 若為人子女也不懂如何體諒他們,那他們便只能於痛苦中渡過餘生,黑暗中..............逝去...
請把此文章轉發給您的朋友,讓他們知道家人才是最重要的。愛情可以重新再找尋 , 但我們的父母一生卻只得一個,珍惜、珍重。
Someone forwarded this article to me, I feel it's so true and so touching, so love your parents while you still can.
樹欲靜而風不止,子欲養而親不在. 別等了,馬上告訴爸媽你很 sayang 他們的好嗎?現在就做,去吧!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Kaki Pendek
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Mushroom Soup
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Took this picture one fine day after raining, location is opposite of my office in Subang Jaya, gee they produce good mushroom soup nowaday in Subang Jaya too eh? Taken using Sony Ericsson T610 which I lou lap from my sister, bet she is still crying till now..... sob... sob.... "handphone kena rompak oleh abang kandung !"

Who are you?


My cousin from Australia saw this and she said:" Wow Ah Hong ko ko you looked nice !"
I told her :" Wait till you see me from my front with my Toyota Air Bag....!"
Got to resume swimming 40 minutes per day, 2 or 3 times a week.
Once someone told me his interview with a Doctor ,
Him :" Doc I heard that swimming can trim down body size correct ah?"
Doc :" Who says?"
Him :" Not sure, but swimming is a good work out for body eh?"
Doc :" You know what?"
Him:" Yes?"
Doc :" You know, whales swim everyday, look at their size , are they slim?"
Him:' Errr..."
Conclusion, swimming cannot help you to slim down, when swimming , think of whales ok?
My name is Alice and I remember everything
My name is Kai Hong and I am doing sales & marketing related job.
Love to swim and read blogs, and spend a lot of time watching CSI and
HBO... could speak like Fox William Mulder, Skinner, Grissom or
Steve, " Arrggh Good Day Mate ! "
Latest movie that I watched?
" My name is Alice and I remember everything...."
Writing a blog, do we call writing a blog? Or blogging is new to me but I sure do
love reading others people blog.
Here there are so many blogs that you just couldn't missed for a day.
If 3 years ago, you will get crazy cause you can't access to your email everyday,
now you have 2 reason to get crazy, check emails and read blogs, i mean really good
Until yesterday,
my daily routine, wake up, read emails, read blogs, work, go home, swim, read blogs
And now,
my new daily routin, wake up, read emails, read blogs, work, blogging, go home, swim,
read blogs again perhaps... hope I am constant about this :)
Got to work on some office documents and customer orders now. To be continued....
Who am I ?
I am Wong Kai hong.... that's all...
Love to swim and read blogs, and spend a lot of time watching CSI and
HBO... could speak like Fox William Mulder, Skinner, Grissom or
Steve, " Arrggh Good Day Mate ! "
Latest movie that I watched?
" My name is Alice and I remember everything...."
Writing a blog, do we call writing a blog? Or blogging is new to me but I sure do
love reading others people blog.
Here there are so many blogs that you just couldn't missed for a day.
If 3 years ago, you will get crazy cause you can't access to your email everyday,
now you have 2 reason to get crazy, check emails and read blogs, i mean really good
Until yesterday,
my daily routine, wake up, read emails, read blogs, work, go home, swim, read blogs
And now,
my new daily routin, wake up, read emails, read blogs, work, blogging, go home, swim,
read blogs again perhaps... hope I am constant about this :)
Got to work on some office documents and customer orders now. To be continued....
Who am I ?
I am Wong Kai hong.... that's all...
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