My cousin from Australia saw this and she said:" Wow Ah Hong ko ko you looked nice !"
I told her :" Wait till you see me from my front with my Toyota Air Bag....!"
Got to resume swimming 40 minutes per day, 2 or 3 times a week.
Once someone told me his interview with a Doctor ,
Him :" Doc I heard that swimming can trim down body size correct ah?"
Doc :" Who says?"
Him :" Not sure, but swimming is a good work out for body eh?"
Doc :" You know what?"
Him:" Yes?"
Doc :" You know, whales swim everyday, look at their size , are they slim?"
Him:' Errr..."
Conclusion, swimming cannot help you to slim down, when swimming , think of whales ok?
Whale lives in ocean. Just live us live on the land. Maybe the whale also trying so hard to lose weight? who knows?
Lose weight? why lose weight?
Whale so big size also can swim easily and jump out of water... and big splash... happy what?
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