Friday, August 11, 2006

Do you need a job ??

I was at PC Fair today looking for some potential girls
customers and prospects.

I walked walked walked and a lot of people has spoken and
asked me questions such as.

  • Sir, you need free Modem ??
  • Sir, you need Streamyx ? Free Modem + USB drive.
  • Sir, new Intel Duo Core bla bla bla...

    I politely declined until I heard this one.

    Girl looked at me up dan down, and asked

    " Sir, do you need a job ?"

    Me -_-" and wtf ??

    I replied," Oh, I already have one, thank you !" if I am not mistaken. Thanks for
    the concern and attention given but, it sort of makes
    me feel like I am a jobless person wasting time in PC
    fair like that, or do I really looked like a person
    without a job ?? Do i ?? hmmm ?? Do i ???

    LOLROTF " Sir, do you need a job?" Classic one !!
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