Thursday, August 04, 2005

One in a Million

Someone tells me," My girlfriend is one in a million, she is good!"
Someone tells me," My boyfriend is one in a million, he is good!"

Someone also tells me," My girlfriend is one in a million, she is damn lousy!"
Someone also tells me," My boyfriend is one in a million, he is damn lousy!"

I mean, have the person really meet one million people before he/she
makes this kind of statement? I know I wouldn't !!

I would not compare my family or my gf with others. But I have expectations
towards them, and hope that they could perform well in their field.

Everyone in this world is unique and there is no Mr. Perfect and Ms. Perfect,
never !!

Now I am not going to debate about who is good or who is not good.

One in a million here is defined as :" 1 time vs 1,000,000 time !"

That's why I love this week, I feel really fresh and could think of alot
of thing. Things are seen in a very clear way.

If you have watched "Phenomenon" 1995 Starring John Travolta you would start worrying for me, LOL !!

Sometimes when I do things alone, be it I did it right or wrong there were
always no one to correct or to guide me.

A lot of time I was doing the wrong thing at the wrong way. Noone did inform
me because :

  • I am away from my parents, I am in town, they are not.
  • I looked Garang sometimes, people takut !!
  • I am at Manager lvl, some people takut too LOL !
  • Simply cause I was stupid most of the time.

    All these are stupid reasons given by stupid people like me LOL !!

    Sometimes, when stupid people like me learned something and realized
    that:" Oh! What a fool I was all the while !!"

    And after realizing that, I would be really grateful and thankful to
    the person who hinted me directly or indirectly.

    Fot those who has hinted/ teaches me directly were :
  • My parents.
  • My grand parents and aunties and uncles.
  • My teachers from since I was a kid till today.
  • My Fat Lady.
  • My boss. <--- William Sang.

    For those who has hinted/ teaches me indirectly were :
  • My Fat Lady <--- hahaha always perli me one !
  • My good friends and housemates.
  • My colleages
  • My boss. <-- William Sang.
  • Some of my good customer. Competitor.
  • The people from my Ex company DDT.

    Actually I felt really thankful for these people above who
    teached me so much of things that I feel that I am about
    100% diffrent from me myself in 2000.

    Thanks for everyone out there and wish you all to have good
    years ahead. Be healty and be wealthy.

    I started to understand the importance of nicely Ironed cloths
    and shirt last week, thanks to William.

    Cost of my shirt = RM30.00 average.
    Cost of ironing it = RM 1.20 per pcs.

    Satisfaction of when people praised it's nice = Priceless !!

    This priceless comes from??

    Years of nagging of my mom = " You better iron your cloths properly!"
    Years of excuse given by me = " Our dryer machines does that fine what?"

    Realization of the importance of nicely ironed Cloths?

    So many events, only I was fool enough to have ignored them :)LOL !!

    Anonymous said...

    thank Q you dear!! So, i am ranked 4th in the direct way; while ranked 1st in the indirect way la...ok ok...

    but, you've been also be one of my inspirations in my life too . I've learned a lot and still learning...hope we can grow together, k :0)

    Philips at work. said...

    You are most welcome !!