I thought it has something to do with my F-117 Night Hawk and
so but noooo !! noooo !! nooo !!!
All I saw was :
is damaged, very good !! very good !!
A friend of mine who went to watch in film in the cinema, and second day
can't remember anything about the movie. Not the story line, not the star
nor nothing.
Now that's what we call Stealth movie, where when you watch it you don't
know that you are actually watching it.
And when you watch it, and before you know the movie is already finished.
Arrrggghhh !! Should have listened to the advise from Jason and go for something better
Jason, you are so right !!
Well since it's a bit torrent test file, and I don't mind so much. Dang !!
Link fixed !! Connected to your site at 10,000Mbps speed, happy?? kekekekek !!!!
wah, that bad meh? ok ok, not gonna even visit Uncle Ho for this one, hehehe :P
Yeah loh Mr.B, I normally go easy with critics with movie and film and don't have much complains for the past.
But this film was so... so... undescribable that I also have no complains... didn't want to waste time complaining.
To suggest you all no need to watch this film is just a pure "Community Service" from me kekekekekek !!!
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