Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pontian 7 The Conman

Went to Pontian to see some customers and being a good
law abiding citizen I wanted to purchase their parking
coupon which is RM 0.60 per piece for 1 hour parking.

I saw this shop " Kedai Gambar Berwana Wee " and walked in.

Me:" May I have a parking RM0.60 coupon please ?"

Old man:" How many pcs? "

Me:" One please. "

Old man:" One pcs is RM 0.70 ! "

Me:" Huh ? "

Blardy pirate of the Pontian !!! RM 0.70 for a RM 0.60 coupon
just because I bought one ?

I told myself, never mind, I give you extra RM 0.10 but I will
post your photo in my blog as " knnbbqfartingconmanpiratesofpontian"
and the Rm 0.10 is a small fee for you.

And by the way, it is 彩 色 印 .

You moron !! Don't make the Chinese ashame !!
Blardy uneducated pirate !!

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