Monday, December 18, 2006

The Need For Speed

A few days ago I was having dinner with a 2 lady friends who
are at their early 20s.

And I received an SMS and i went to reply for that.

Me using Predictive Text input and press press press hand phone
and I felt so smart for being a pioneer of Predictive Text inpur
user among Malaysian yeah !!

Suddenly my friend:" Look at the way you type SMS then
we know you are a person who seldom use SMS liao one!"

Me:" Wow ! How could you tell ?"

Friend:" Your speed Mister!! Your speed !! "

Me:" What the hell is wrong with my speed ?"

Friend:" 2 words Mister 2 words , Too Slow !!"

Me:" I send a lot of SMS every month one you know ?
I send about 70 SMS a month at least ! "

Friend sprayed the beer she drinks on my face ! -_-"

Me:" What the hell you did that for ? "

Friend lolrotf :" 70 sms per month ah ? So much ah ?"

Me:" Sure lah, me IT people ! "

Friend:" Pi lah lu ! You old antique ! 70 sms per hour
still considered slow already ! "

Me cried that night !! tears can't stop !!

Am I really that slow with SMS stuff ?

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