The time is now 3:51 am and I am normally a worm in my bed with
some air-cond, that's usual day.
Today, cause I came back from work at around 6pm something and
terus "tertidur" or "tersleep" or whatever it is.
Only wake up at 12:20 am. Went to washed my precious F-117 and suppose to sleep after that.
But due to the washing actvities perhaps the metabolism is higher
and a little bit difficult to sleep right now.
It's been a long-long time since I didn't sleep at regular time, and
the regular time for me is around 12 am or 1 am. Now it's already
3:55 am and my eyes are still bright and shining LOL !!
Suddenly I remember of what my friend Johntim told me the other
day, he was complaining to me about difficulty of sleeping.
Johntim :" Kai Hong, you know I am very sad or not?"
Me :" Hmm? Why? What happened ?"
Johntim :" I am feeling very upset and sad today lah !!"
Me :" Really? Tell me what's your problem then !"
Johntim :" My online game's charactor was PKed by people!"
Me :" Then ?"
-_-" Online game's charactor was Player Killed by someone else??
Johntim :" All the valuable item jatuh ping pong piang habis !"
Me:" So ? That's why you are sad ah?"
Johntim :" Yeah loh ! Damn sakit hati and sad, until cannot sleep!"
Me :" Wah Seh ! Online game only woh !" -_-"
I never could understand the magic and power of online game,
perhaps I am too old for it or, I don't have the talent for it.
Johntim :" So sad that I cannot sleep at night !"
Fane :" Yeah loh ! Johntim cannot sleep at night !"
Me :" Poor Johntim !! Then how serious is it?"
Johntim :" Normally I lie down, and sleep within 1 minute time!"
Johntim :" Now I am too sad, and can only sleep after 2 mins time!"
Johntim :" Very difficult to sleep lah !!"
Me -_-" and :" KNN MCB KFC MCH KGB MCD ........ "
And for all those people who is out there, please sleep at regular
time and I trust you would do better by doing that.
It's good for health and spirit and everything too.
So to the guy who always Mumbles alot, try sleeping at the
correct time, and I believe you would do with flying colour with
your exam and your life :) Cheer up !!
Cheers for no more can't sleep till 4:00 am !!!
Cheers for to be able to sleep at 12:00 am !!!
Cheers for Jason who is coming to KL next week !!!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Washing F-117 Stealth Fighter
Time = 3:33 am now and it's July 30th 2005. Saturday morning
and got to leave for work at 8:15 am :).
At 3:01 am I parked my F-117 back to my parking bay at the condo after spending near 2.5 hours of :
Washing my F-117. ( Amway car wash, smells good ! )
Wiping off water drops with cloths.
Waiting for F-117 to becoming completely dry.
Cleaning the F-117 interior, moping instruments panel.
Cleaning the carpet.
Cleaning the storage compartment.
Applying wax ( Amway brand, easy liquid job )!
Wait for wax to dry off completely.
Wipe off the wax.
Apply rain block.
Wait for rain block to dry off completely.
Wipe off rain block.
Double check F-117 surface. Mirrors etc.
Parked F-117 back to parking bay hanger.
Well, feeling very fresh right now after taking a good bath, washed
my hair, clean and cut the fingers nails, using the fan to blow at
my buttock ( cool ! ) this only could be done when Fat Lady is
not around !! kekekekke....
And I bet my F-117 Stealth Fighter must be feeling the same too.
While I was doing the washing at around 1:30 am, the lady who
drives ( a really sweet & nice looking one ) 4wd who parks beside
the washing bay came back.
She came out of the car and aske me :" So late still washing ?"
Me :" Yeah , can't sleep ! What to do?"
She :" Oh ok !"
Me :" Good night !"
She :" You have a good night too !"
I think most probably she is quite glad that while I was washing
my F-117 I didn't splashed the water and everything to her
parking bay. Some people ( really inconsiderate ) people does
splash and spill water to others vehicles around the parking bay.
I think she is pleased that I didn't do so, well, that's my moto and
my style. I don't like to cause inconvinience / problems to my
neighbours, like what my boss told me ;=
" Don't shit at the place where you eat !"
Absolutely groovy !!
Now I feel good cause got to speak to the lady, my F-117 is
clean and I think I've lost 1/2 pound of meat and I think tomorrow
would be a good day.
Who cares if it rains tomorrow ( Probablity of raining = 90% ).
As some people says:" Enjoy the process, not the result !"
I am feeling the same right now, but sincerely hope it doesn't rain
tomorrow ok?
Time = 3:33 am now and it's July 30th 2005. Saturday morning
and got to leave for work at 8:15 am :).
At 3:01 am I parked my F-117 back to my parking bay at the condo after spending near 2.5 hours of :
Well, feeling very fresh right now after taking a good bath, washed
my hair, clean and cut the fingers nails, using the fan to blow at
my buttock ( cool ! ) this only could be done when Fat Lady is
not around !! kekekekke....
And I bet my F-117 Stealth Fighter must be feeling the same too.
While I was doing the washing at around 1:30 am, the lady who
drives ( a really sweet & nice looking one ) 4wd who parks beside
the washing bay came back.
She came out of the car and aske me :" So late still washing ?"
Me :" Yeah , can't sleep ! What to do?"
She :" Oh ok !"
Me :" Good night !"
She :" You have a good night too !"
I think most probably she is quite glad that while I was washing
my F-117 I didn't splashed the water and everything to her
parking bay. Some people ( really inconsiderate ) people does
splash and spill water to others vehicles around the parking bay.
I think she is pleased that I didn't do so, well, that's my moto and
my style. I don't like to cause inconvinience / problems to my
neighbours, like what my boss told me ;=
" Don't shit at the place where you eat !"
Absolutely groovy !!
Now I feel good cause got to speak to the lady, my F-117 is
clean and I think I've lost 1/2 pound of meat and I think tomorrow
would be a good day.
Who cares if it rains tomorrow ( Probablity of raining = 90% ).
As some people says:" Enjoy the process, not the result !"
I am feeling the same right now, but sincerely hope it doesn't rain
tomorrow ok?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Defination & Example of Globalisation
Someone emailed this to me this morning and I think well
this defination and example is not too bad afterall.
Question: What is the height of globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death-
Question: How come?
An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes
in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch
engine, driven by a Belgian who was high on Scottish
whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on
Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor,
using Brazilian medicines! And this e-mail is sent to
you by a Malaysian, using Bill Gates' technology,
which he stole from the Japanese. And you are probably
reading this on one of the IBM clones that use
Taiwanese-made chips, and Korean made monitors,
assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant,
transported by lorries driven by Indians, hijacked by
Indonesians and finally sold to you by Chinamen!
this defination and example is not too bad afterall.
Question: What is the height of globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death-
Question: How come?
An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes
in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch
engine, driven by a Belgian who was high on Scottish
whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on
Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor,
using Brazilian medicines! And this e-mail is sent to
you by a Malaysian, using Bill Gates' technology,
which he stole from the Japanese. And you are probably
reading this on one of the IBM clones that use
Taiwanese-made chips, and Korean made monitors,
assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant,
transported by lorries driven by Indians, hijacked by
Indonesians and finally sold to you by Chinamen!
Monday, July 25, 2005
This is the room which Fat Lady stayed for the past 3 days 2 night at Penang. It's a Superior Room at a 5 star hotel with the Big size bed. 2 hard pillow and 1 soft (feather) pillow at the middle. Room quality was first class, air-cond was cold and the buffet breakfast made me really-really jealous. It's a stone throw away from the famous Jalan Pinang. And this picture is taken by Fat Lady before she totally destructed the nice and tidy bed. You know? the bed looked like it has been hit by Tsunami after Fat Lady stayed there, and I can't show you the picture because it looks too terrible. Kids would get nightmare !!!

2 things made me really happy today.
Well I am feeling happy and satisfied at this very moment.
I've just send Fat lady back to Ampang after a session of project "Hantam Durian"
at SS2 PJ at the store of Ah Wai. The owner of www.ss2durian.com .
Yesterday Johntim and Fane asked me if I am interested to join them for durian
since it's the durian season right now. So I replied," Sure!! I like durian what?"
So this morning I called Ah Wai at his mobile to book for
Durian Mau Sau Wong x 2 biji. ( This should be the Ferrari of Durian )
Durian Hong Har x 2 biji. ( This should be the Porsche of Durian )
So at evening after I picked up Fat Lady from KLIA ( she just came back from
Penang, more image after this ) and I told her that we are going for the SS2
durian, she terus 2 legs in the sky. -_-" Why? Durian no good meH??
So we had some late lunch and waited till evening around 9pm. 4 of us were so
happy and excited and arrived at Ah Wai's stall at round 9:15 pm. Saw our
office' John and Gerald just Tah Bao the durian from Ah Wai. We waived and
say hello and proceeded to the table for the nice durian. No time for friendship
when comes to durian LOL !!!
Ah Wai served us Hong Har first, after 2 Hong Har. Hmmm.... not too impressive.
Then I looked at Ah Wai and say:" Gimme the best durian now Wai Sang!!"
He looked at me, and replied :" Sir ! Yes sir the best durian coming sir !!"
2 minutes later 2 huge Mau san Wong durian were on our table.
Sekali open the Mau San wong ! Damn ! The flesh of the durian was really Yellow
and like Kunyit colour one woh !!
I told myself :" Don't ki ki kat kat, eat first! die later !!"
So I took a piece of Mau San Wong durian and put it in my mouth.
" Holy Cow ! Now this is what I call the King of Durian !!! " I said.
Johntim, Fat Lady and Fane all became -_-" :" Are you sure?"
Me :" eat eat eat !! "
Hmmmmm.... the satisfaction of eating the Mau San Wong was really nice.
The smell is not too strong but the taste is really good, not too dry, creamy,
not too sweet with a little bit of bitter. Ahhh !!!
Oyishi Desyo !
Geschmack sehr gut !!
That's all I could say at the moment.
Well my mom said I am a little bit fat, so I better eat more fruits.
So here I am, being a good boy who always listen to my mom, I ate durian
already. My doctor and parents should be very proud of me !!
They would definitely be proud !!
Trivia :
Question : How many times the word Durian appears in this blog entry?
Answer: 21 times.
Question : Topic says 2 things made me really happy, what is another reason?
Answer : Not available in the blog, the actual answer was cause Philips was able
to drive from Bulatan Pahang to PWTC stretch at 80kmph at 10:45 pm. Normally
he has to drive at around 10 kmph or 5.5 kmph at that stretch !!
I've just send Fat lady back to Ampang after a session of project "Hantam Durian"
at SS2 PJ at the store of Ah Wai. The owner of www.ss2durian.com .
Yesterday Johntim and Fane asked me if I am interested to join them for durian
since it's the durian season right now. So I replied," Sure!! I like durian what?"
So this morning I called Ah Wai at his mobile to book for
So at evening after I picked up Fat Lady from KLIA ( she just came back from
Penang, more image after this ) and I told her that we are going for the SS2
durian, she terus 2 legs in the sky. -_-" Why? Durian no good meH??
So we had some late lunch and waited till evening around 9pm. 4 of us were so
happy and excited and arrived at Ah Wai's stall at round 9:15 pm. Saw our
office' John and Gerald just Tah Bao the durian from Ah Wai. We waived and
say hello and proceeded to the table for the nice durian. No time for friendship
when comes to durian LOL !!!
Ah Wai served us Hong Har first, after 2 Hong Har. Hmmm.... not too impressive.
Then I looked at Ah Wai and say:" Gimme the best durian now Wai Sang!!"
He looked at me, and replied :" Sir ! Yes sir the best durian coming sir !!"
2 minutes later 2 huge Mau san Wong durian were on our table.
Sekali open the Mau San wong ! Damn ! The flesh of the durian was really Yellow
and like Kunyit colour one woh !!
I told myself :" Don't ki ki kat kat, eat first! die later !!"
So I took a piece of Mau San Wong durian and put it in my mouth.
" Holy Cow ! Now this is what I call the King of Durian !!! " I said.
Johntim, Fat Lady and Fane all became -_-" :" Are you sure?"
Me :" eat eat eat !! "
Hmmmmm.... the satisfaction of eating the Mau San Wong was really nice.
The smell is not too strong but the taste is really good, not too dry, creamy,
not too sweet with a little bit of bitter. Ahhh !!!
That's all I could say at the moment.
Well my mom said I am a little bit fat, so I better eat more fruits.
So here I am, being a good boy who always listen to my mom, I ate durian
already. My doctor and parents should be very proud of me !!
They would definitely be proud !!
Trivia :
to drive from Bulatan Pahang to PWTC stretch at 80kmph at 10:45 pm. Normally
he has to drive at around 10 kmph or 5.5 kmph at that stretch !!
The Roti Kosong ( Cost = RM1.50 ) which is available at KLIA Level 2 food court. Food Garden is the name, taste? 85% out of 100% but the elastic is there. Gee it even broke a plastic spoon and sent it 2 meter into the sky. Picture taken by Fat Lady using Sony Cybershot cam. The kuah kari also taste good. Please be noted that the Food Garden would be under renovation ( but in stages I heard ). Well at least this is something good from KLIA :)

1024 Bit Data Encryption. 劲!!!
This morning in the office, suddenly Amanda and Jessie were talking about
where to eat and what to eat.
What's good to eat, how to eat, where to it, what to eat, when to it, who should
we eat with and .... these question always appear in our daily conversation
cause our prime objective were :" eat, eat, eat and eat only !"
Suddenly Ah Chai :" Eh, how to read this text ah?"
Amanda :" Hmmm?? Let me see ! "
Jessie " Which word? Where ?"
Ah Chai :" Nuh ! This one !! "
Amanda:" Where? Which one?"
Ah Chai -_-" :" This one lerrr !! "
Ah Chai :" 角...刀...牛...虫...弓...米...弓 !! This one lar !"
Amanda -_-"
Jessie -_-"
Me :" Wah ha ha ha ha !!! 蟹 粥 lah !!! "
Me :" You all ah ! Damn 傻.....角...刀...牛...虫 ( Sohai ) one ler !! "
All of us LOL then for 10 minutes !!! Blardy good Data Encryption !!!
Next time if we want to go and eat Crab , we ain't going to say that in word,
we will say tonight we go for 角...刀...牛...虫 for dinner loh !!
LOL. So much for the 1024 Bit Data Encryption !! Good one !!
That's what I call to apply what I've studied in the college to daily life.
Cost of Study My IT Diploma = around RM 12,000
Cost of Living While Study = around RM 5,000
To use what've I study in daily life at a funny way = Feeling damn good and Priceless !!
Another inccident to prove that sometimes somehow people will get too bored in the
office and start to gone crazy !!
where to eat and what to eat.
What's good to eat, how to eat, where to it, what to eat, when to it, who should
we eat with and .... these question always appear in our daily conversation
cause our prime objective were :" eat, eat, eat and eat only !"
Suddenly Ah Chai :" Eh, how to read this text ah?"
Amanda :" Hmmm?? Let me see ! "
Jessie " Which word? Where ?"
Ah Chai :" Nuh ! This one !! "
Amanda:" Where? Which one?"
Ah Chai -_-" :" This one lerrr !! "
Ah Chai :" 角...刀...牛...虫...弓...米...弓 !! This one lar !"
Amanda -_-"
Jessie -_-"
Me :" Wah ha ha ha ha !!! 蟹 粥 lah !!! "
Me :" You all ah ! Damn 傻.....角...刀...牛...虫 ( Sohai ) one ler !! "
All of us LOL then for 10 minutes !!! Blardy good Data Encryption !!!
Next time if we want to go and eat Crab , we ain't going to say that in word,
we will say tonight we go for 角...刀...牛...虫 for dinner loh !!
LOL. So much for the 1024 Bit Data Encryption !! Good one !!
That's what I call to apply what I've studied in the college to daily life.
Cost of Study My IT Diploma = around RM 12,000
Cost of Living While Study = around RM 5,000
To use what've I study in daily life at a funny way = Feeling damn good and Priceless !!
Another inccident to prove that sometimes somehow people will get too bored in the
office and start to gone crazy !!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Unit Lost ( Red Alert !! )
This morning sent Fat Lady to KLIA at 7 am something. Arrived there
early and well plenty of time for breakfast.
So we proceeded to level 2 and there is a nice Food Court there where
the food is not too expensive, and tasted not too bad.
I ordered 2 roti telur bawang = 2 x RM2.80 = RM 5.60
I also odered 1 roti kosong = 1 x RM1.50 = RM 1.50
Total cost of the breakfst = RM 7.10
And there were plastic fork and spoon for the customer consume the
food for the customer.
I took 3 sets = 3 x fork and 3 x spoons.
Fat lady looked at me, and -_-", puzzled but kept quiet !!
So I we shared the 2 roti telur bawang + 1 roti kosong with the
curry + sardine sauce. .... taste = 85 marks out of 100... :)
And we ate and chat and ate and talk.....
Suddenly " Piaaaaaakkkkkk !!!!! fuh..fuh..fuh..fuh...fuh !!"
Fat lady -_-" and terkejut cause she thought that the terrorist
has made it to Malaysia KLIA and made an attack !!!
And me -_-" :" Wah ha ha ha ha ha hah !!!!! Shit !!!! "
What has actually happened?
The blardy stupid spoon that I used broken into 2 pieces while I
used it to tear the Roti Canai into smaller pieces....
And the plastic spoon's head fly into air for about 2 meter, made
a few rounds "fuh..fuh..fuh...fuh..fuh" before falling on the floor.
Fat Lady looked around, panic and damn malu !!!
Me :" Wah ah ha ha ha ha hah !!! "
Fat Lady:" Can you please be a little bit polite and Si Wen ?"
Me :" No ! This is funny !!"
Fat Lady:" No this is not funny, this is embarrasing ! Malu !"
Me :" No ! This is not my fault !"
Fat Lady:" Now I know why you take 3 sets of fork and spoon liao!"
Me :" You bet !! and I am good !! I can foreseen future !! I am good!!"
Me :" They should either make ( improve ) the plastic spoon and
fork to become harder, or they should make their Roti Canai to
become softer and tenderer !!! "
Me and Fat lady can't stop laughing till the tears also came out.
Everyone else there were looking, trying not to laugh with their
face become purple / red colour....
Aiya ! What's so interesting to see meh? Never see plastic spoon
broken into half while the other half fly to the sky meh?
Aiya !!!! Plastic spoon vs Roti Canai KLIA, plstic spoon pun patah!!
early and well plenty of time for breakfast.
So we proceeded to level 2 and there is a nice Food Court there where
the food is not too expensive, and tasted not too bad.
I ordered 2 roti telur bawang = 2 x RM2.80 = RM 5.60
I also odered 1 roti kosong = 1 x RM1.50 = RM 1.50
Total cost of the breakfst = RM 7.10
And there were plastic fork and spoon for the customer consume the
food for the customer.
I took 3 sets = 3 x fork and 3 x spoons.
Fat lady looked at me, and -_-", puzzled but kept quiet !!
So I we shared the 2 roti telur bawang + 1 roti kosong with the
curry + sardine sauce. .... taste = 85 marks out of 100... :)
And we ate and chat and ate and talk.....
Suddenly " Piaaaaaakkkkkk !!!!! fuh..fuh..fuh..fuh...fuh !!"
Fat lady -_-" and terkejut cause she thought that the terrorist
has made it to Malaysia KLIA and made an attack !!!
And me -_-" :" Wah ha ha ha ha ha hah !!!!! Shit !!!! "
What has actually happened?
The blardy stupid spoon that I used broken into 2 pieces while I
used it to tear the Roti Canai into smaller pieces....
And the plastic spoon's head fly into air for about 2 meter, made
a few rounds "fuh..fuh..fuh...fuh..fuh" before falling on the floor.
Fat Lady looked around, panic and damn malu !!!
Me :" Wah ah ha ha ha ha hah !!! "
Fat Lady:" Can you please be a little bit polite and Si Wen ?"
Me :" No ! This is funny !!"
Fat Lady:" No this is not funny, this is embarrasing ! Malu !"
Me :" No ! This is not my fault !"
Fat Lady:" Now I know why you take 3 sets of fork and spoon liao!"
Me :" You bet !! and I am good !! I can foreseen future !! I am good!!"
Me :" They should either make ( improve ) the plastic spoon and
fork to become harder, or they should make their Roti Canai to
become softer and tenderer !!! "
Me and Fat lady can't stop laughing till the tears also came out.
Everyone else there were looking, trying not to laugh with their
face become purple / red colour....
Aiya ! What's so interesting to see meh? Never see plastic spoon
broken into half while the other half fly to the sky meh?
Aiya !!!! Plastic spoon vs Roti Canai KLIA, plstic spoon pun patah!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Objective: Customer oriented.
Duration : 18 hours.
Range : 75 km.
Avg Speed: 80kmph.
Subang Jaya :185 : 3:15pm
Taman Putra : 215 : 4:57pm
Jln Sungai Besi : 226 : 5:01pm
Taman Desa : 230 : 5:04pm
Bangsar : 237 : 5:11pm
Kayu Ara : 249 : 5:40pm
TTDI : 254 : 9:41pm
Kayu Ara : 260 : 11:09pm
Subang Jaya : 276 : 09:02am
Argh ... what are these data ??
Objective: Customer oriented.
Duration : 18 hours.
Range : 75 km.
Avg Speed: 80kmph.
Argh ... what are these data ??
Strategic location a.k.a Fung Shui !!

Most of us have heard about Feng Shui or Fung Shui, which is
actually an ancient Science knowledge about condition of
Someone once said that a good Fung Shui ( Wind and Water ) is
very simple. It's about the combination / mixture of the
element of Wind and Water that you are getting at the place
of where you stay, where you sleep and where you work.
Why? If a place has a good wind or good air flow, you'll be
very fresh and have energy to work and live. If your place
has no air ventilation, naturally the living condition is
Same goes for water, a place with sufficient moisture and
get rain water, like a house with a good balcony with plants
and near to river, sea, lake , stream or near water fall.
That would be lovely.
Cause human are 60% over water, hence water is really essential
for us. A good windy place + a lot of water source = Good Feng
Shui naturally !!
Maybe that's why those rich people love to buy a bunglo facing
lake or sea or stream eh? Like those in the club house and stuff
like that.
Well, today I am not taking about Feng Shui anyway, I am talking
about convinience and strategic or Smart room !!
A smart room has the below characteristic !!
Why it is so important to have a Strategic Command Center in my
room leh? Cause well, if there is a SCC.
I could basically sit there at the center of the room, and no
need to walk there walke here. It's like a King's seat !!
Only the SCC is my single bed that I sleep on and can do millions
things at the scc.
On the scc I could :
Ok, have a nice day.
Sum all these and you'll get.....
Yesterday I had a nice dinner with Fat Lady ( Chicken Rice ) at SS17
and shortly after that we went for Ops. Supporting Uncle Ho.
And later of the day we were having fun with these stuff :
A muscular guy who has big boobs!! (WTH?)
A tall guy with attitude ( From Everyone Loves Raymond:Brad Garrett)
2 Koreans Neighbour
A duck which thinks he is a guard dog.
Endless chaos caused by kids.
Some comedy.
Some action.
Some dance ( WTF Sound of music also included ?)
Add all these stuffs and you'll get,
The Pacifier Link

If one day you are feeling down, lonely, unmotivated, and need some
laughter, and need to rest the brain for a while.
I would recommend you to watch this film and have some fun with it.
I was feeling a little bit uneasy yesterday night before watching
this film, but after all those funny things / laugh that I've got
from the movie.
I sleep in smile and complain nomore :)
Once in a while there are some pictures or films that worth seeing,
such as Full Monty, Pacifier, Independence Day ID4 and so on.
Some people including films critics/ reporters might rate these
movies as lousy film or non-good film or whatever. My idea is that
don't trust what people say, see for yourself and have your own
After all, sometimes One man's food is another man's poison.
If one feel happy after watching this film, good for you :)
If one doesn't feel happy after watching this film, never mind
I am sure you'll be ok later anyway :)
Who am I ?? I want to be the Pacifier too !! Cause he has really big
boobs and no need to wear bra !! Wah ah ha ha ha !!!
and shortly after that we went for Ops. Supporting Uncle Ho.
And later of the day we were having fun with these stuff :
Lulu Plummer: Do you know Kung Fu?
Shane Wolfe: Yes.
Lulu Plummer: Have you ever hit a guy so hard his head came off?
Shane Wolfe: No.
Lulu Plummer: Why are your boobs so big?
Shane Wolfe: [shocked] They are not... boobs.
Lulu Plummer: Do you have to wear a bra?
Shane Wolfe: What?
Lulu Plummer: Will mine be as big as yours one day?
Shane Wolfe: Isn't it about time you go nappy-poo in beddy-bye land?
Lulu Plummer: Do I look like I'm five?
Shane Wolfe: What did I say?
Lulu Plummer: Disrespectful. And to think I was interested in you.
Add all these stuffs and you'll get,
The Pacifier Link

If one day you are feeling down, lonely, unmotivated, and need some
laughter, and need to rest the brain for a while.
I would recommend you to watch this film and have some fun with it.
I was feeling a little bit uneasy yesterday night before watching
this film, but after all those funny things / laugh that I've got
from the movie.
I sleep in smile and complain nomore :)
Once in a while there are some pictures or films that worth seeing,
such as Full Monty, Pacifier, Independence Day ID4 and so on.
Some people including films critics/ reporters might rate these
movies as lousy film or non-good film or whatever. My idea is that
don't trust what people say, see for yourself and have your own
After all, sometimes One man's food is another man's poison.
If one feel happy after watching this film, good for you :)
If one doesn't feel happy after watching this film, never mind
I am sure you'll be ok later anyway :)
Who am I ?? I want to be the Pacifier too !! Cause he has really big
boobs and no need to wear bra !! Wah ah ha ha ha !!!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Kueh Pai-Tee, not 白带
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Hello Ah Bao
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Can I ask you something?
sharon says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Bai Tai or Tai Pai or what?
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
the stuff that we ate yesterday night at Chicken Rice Shop?
sharon says:
Bodoh! Pai-Tee
sharon says:
bai tai tu perempuan punya output 白带
sharon says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Pai Tee
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
betul betul !!
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
sorry ah
sharon says:
sharon says:
Hello Ah Bao
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Can I ask you something?
sharon says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Bai Tai or Tai Pai or what?
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
the stuff that we ate yesterday night at Chicken Rice Shop?
sharon says:
Bodoh! Pai-Tee
sharon says:
bai tai tu perempuan punya output 白带
sharon says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Pai Tee
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
betul betul !!
Kai Hong at :" http://kaihongs.blogspot.com says:
sorry ah
sharon says:
sharon says:
You are the boss !! I sayang you !!!
Yesterday we sent grandma ( mama's mama ) to KL Sentral with Sam,
so we had dinner togather. Since it was 14th July and it was also
Sam's birthday, so we decided to have our dinner at KL Sentral.
Arrived there at around 6:20 pm and after parking the car and
everything we were searching for food to eat. We spotted the
Kenny Roger's Roast Chicken, McD, KFC and some smaller Cafe
as well as a food court. I always say no to food court.
And walked to other side near the Maybank, whopps ! Chicken
Rice Shop Ok, not much of choice that we had actually.
So we settled down for the Chicken Rice Shop's food.
Waited for a few minutes and no one approached us. And I
walked to the counter and asked the supervisor or captain.
Me:" Hi, excuse me, may I know it's self service or table service here?"
Lady:" Oh ! It's table service, give me a sec. "
And she came with 4 menu for four of us.
Mama's mama. ( Ah Jia )
Sam. (Addy punya wife )
Fat Lady.
We looked at the menu and saw a package for 3-4 person and terus
ordered the food there. So I thought the food is going to be
light and easy and not too heavy, but I was so wrong !!!!
The dish came about 10 minutes later and it looked like this:
Chicken Soup
Chicken Char Siew
Tau Geh with soya sauce.
Tau Fu with Oyster sauce.
Pai Tee. ( What a funny name like 白带 like that !! )
Roasted Chicken.
Pepsi for 5 to 6 person.
Maggo kerabu.
All for RM46.xx plus plus.... I would say not too bad !!!
Initially I thought cheh don't know enough or not, cause the
menu there said it's for 3 to 4 person and there were 4 of
Mana tahu sekali after I finished eating, i was like elephant!!
And then? What's the point of this blog? Read on....
Cause I ate so much of dinner last night.. so there were alot
of stuff in my stomach. And this morning I went for a breakfast
at Indian food stall near my office.
Breakfast for today= Bee Hun Goreng + Ayam + Teh Ice !!!!!!
And the result?
Me :" Hei, boss are you ok?"
Boss:" No I am not ok you dick head !"
Me :" I am sorry lah boss, don't know mar!"
Boss:" You idiot, eat so much for what?"
Me :" I was hungry mah, then I mar eat loh !"
Boss:" I suffer a lot you know? 3 time since this morning !!!"
Me :" I know I know there's being a lot of output lately!"
Boss:" 3 times in one morning is not a lot, it is SICK !!!"
Me :" Are you ok? "
Boss ( which look reddish and lebam ):" Do I look ok to you? "
Boss :" You ate damn a lot of chili, and ginger last night !!"
Boss :" This morning you ate Indian dry curry chicken + fried
mee hoon !"
Boss :" Afternoon somemore eat Kari Kueh Tiao !! "
Boss :" Are you an Idiot or what? I think I am going to peciah liao!"
Me :" I am sorry boss, I am sorry !! Next time no more ok?"
Boss :" Sorry no use one, me feel like kena people pook like that!!"
Boss :" Adui !! Adui ! Pedas !! Pedas !! Sakit !! Sakit! Lebam !"
Yeah, my mata dubur or ass is my master !! Whenever he wants to poo
I can't say no.
Whenever he feel sick then I will lau sai !!
Whenever he goes on strike, then my whole body "jia lat!"
Whenever he got Bisul, then die loh !! die loh !!!
Among all the organ in human, I think the ass (anus) or mata dubur
plays the most important part. If he/she fail, means that that
person is going to hell already !!!
Sorry boss I am sorry, next time I will sayang you one ok?
so we had dinner togather. Since it was 14th July and it was also
Sam's birthday, so we decided to have our dinner at KL Sentral.
Arrived there at around 6:20 pm and after parking the car and
everything we were searching for food to eat. We spotted the
Kenny Roger's Roast Chicken, McD, KFC and some smaller Cafe
as well as a food court. I always say no to food court.
And walked to other side near the Maybank, whopps ! Chicken
Rice Shop Ok, not much of choice that we had actually.
So we settled down for the Chicken Rice Shop's food.
Waited for a few minutes and no one approached us. And I
walked to the counter and asked the supervisor or captain.
Me:" Hi, excuse me, may I know it's self service or table service here?"
Lady:" Oh ! It's table service, give me a sec. "
And she came with 4 menu for four of us.
We looked at the menu and saw a package for 3-4 person and terus
ordered the food there. So I thought the food is going to be
light and easy and not too heavy, but I was so wrong !!!!
The dish came about 10 minutes later and it looked like this:
All for RM46.xx plus plus.... I would say not too bad !!!
Initially I thought cheh don't know enough or not, cause the
menu there said it's for 3 to 4 person and there were 4 of
Mana tahu sekali after I finished eating, i was like elephant!!
And then? What's the point of this blog? Read on....
Cause I ate so much of dinner last night.. so there were alot
of stuff in my stomach. And this morning I went for a breakfast
at Indian food stall near my office.
Breakfast for today= Bee Hun Goreng + Ayam + Teh Ice !!!!!!
And the result?
Me :" Hei, boss are you ok?"
Boss:" No I am not ok you dick head !"
Me :" I am sorry lah boss, don't know mar!"
Boss:" You idiot, eat so much for what?"
Me :" I was hungry mah, then I mar eat loh !"
Boss:" I suffer a lot you know? 3 time since this morning !!!"
Me :" I know I know there's being a lot of output lately!"
Boss:" 3 times in one morning is not a lot, it is SICK !!!"
Me :" Are you ok? "
Boss ( which look reddish and lebam ):" Do I look ok to you? "
Boss :" You ate damn a lot of chili, and ginger last night !!"
Boss :" This morning you ate Indian dry curry chicken + fried
mee hoon !"
Boss :" Afternoon somemore eat Kari Kueh Tiao !! "
Boss :" Are you an Idiot or what? I think I am going to peciah liao!"
Me :" I am sorry boss, I am sorry !! Next time no more ok?"
Boss :" Sorry no use one, me feel like kena people pook like that!!"
Boss :" Adui !! Adui ! Pedas !! Pedas !! Sakit !! Sakit! Lebam !"
Yeah, my mata dubur or ass is my master !! Whenever he wants to poo
I can't say no.
Whenever he feel sick then I will lau sai !!
Whenever he goes on strike, then my whole body "jia lat!"
Whenever he got Bisul, then die loh !! die loh !!!
Among all the organ in human, I think the ass (anus) or mata dubur
plays the most important part. If he/she fail, means that that
person is going to hell already !!!
Sorry boss I am sorry, next time I will sayang you one ok?
National Batik Day
I love Malaysia. I really do !!!
Did you all know that on every 1st and 15th of the month and most if not
all of the government servant/ public service personal are "advised" and
"recommended" to wear batik to work.
So, on every 1st day of the month and 15th day of each month, look at the
street, in the bus, in the LRT, in the car. If one ( male or female ) is
wearing batik and appear going to work, that person got to be the
government servant !!
That's 1 of the way to diffrenciate government servant I guess.
So, for me that's no problem cause I am not government servant. But I feel
that the government should let the employees to have a choice. I mean
where is the freedom in this country if even what to be worn to work
also you have to kacau??
To promote Batik in Malaysia, I think this is not the correct way.
Then? What's the correct way?
First, try to make the Batik look nicer first.
Ensure the price is not damn expensive.
Ensure that the quality and feel of cloth is good.
Don't force people to wear it on 1st and 15th of every month.
Then, let's see if our people begins to wear these batik occasionally.
Not by forcing them mate ! Don't do the right thing wrong !!
Did you all know that on every 1st and 15th of the month and most if not
all of the government servant/ public service personal are "advised" and
"recommended" to wear batik to work.
So, on every 1st day of the month and 15th day of each month, look at the
street, in the bus, in the LRT, in the car. If one ( male or female ) is
wearing batik and appear going to work, that person got to be the
government servant !!
That's 1 of the way to diffrenciate government servant I guess.
So, for me that's no problem cause I am not government servant. But I feel
that the government should let the employees to have a choice. I mean
where is the freedom in this country if even what to be worn to work
also you have to kacau??
To promote Batik in Malaysia, I think this is not the correct way.
Then? What's the correct way?
Then, let's see if our people begins to wear these batik occasionally.
Not by forcing them mate ! Don't do the right thing wrong !!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
The soup from 3 o'clock right, is Pig's stomach soup with a lot of spareparts. And at 6'oclock is the "Kou Rou" means pork+yam. And at 8 o'clock were the Yong Mushroom, you know Ampang got Yon Tau Fu , our family has got Yong Mushroom. And at 9 o'clock vegetable with pork. At 12 o'clock is the stomach soup again and finally at 2 o'clock is the Sea Cucumber "mun" Pai Kuat.... holy cow I am feeling very hungry when I am loading this photo. Help help help I am hungry !!

The Kelantan Hypermarket. Kesco !! Neah it's just my house's cabinet with all those Chinese New Year food. No wonder everytime during Chinese New Year I gain weight !! Blardy Chinese Food !! I hate Chinese Food very-very much for your info. , I really hate them. I hate them so much !!! I hate Chinese Food since I am a kid, and I hate them so much that everytime I see them, I must eat them all !! eat them all baru boleh stop !! Muah ha ha ha ah !! Muah ha ha ha

A chinese temple about 1/2km away from my house. This place is called Kampung China and it's on the way to the famouse PCB Beach. 50 meter behind me when I am taking is photo is the Kelantan river. This temple is believe to be bringing good luck, smooth sailing, and protection to local people against unwanted and unlucky inccidents. If I am not mistaken this is also call the "Mar chor Temple" or "Ma Zhu Miao" ... but I know the board is saying "Zhen Xing Gong" ... -_-"

I am from Kuala Krai, Kelantan and the place that I stayed till about 10 years old is called Taman Kuala Krai. Taman Kuala Krai is something like Damansara Height, only the house there is not that expensive and the people there are more friendly. Here is a look from my 4th aunty house, from Taman Kuala Krai overlooking the Kuala Krai town about 1km away. Date was 6th Feb 2005. Before Chinese New Year.

Image from www.durianss2.com

Hong Har Durian, one of the best.....
As all of us should know that, it is now Durian season and I've went to
SS2 Petaling Jaya a few times for the Durian there. And everytime I go
I promised myself that I will eat a little bit only.
But everytime at the end of the day, we frequently hug the big stomach
and cry all the way home cause the satisfaction and the "Stomach
Too Full" feeling really will made a man like me cry !!
It's common nowadays for one to go and visit durian stall and enjoy
the durian there. To eat durian at the stall has the below pros
and cons....
Guranteed Quality or Bao Makan !! Eat only the best !!
Professional durian opener ! ( Golden hair guy normally )
No hazards of getting your fingers and nails hurt in the process.
Nice environment.
Table and chair for you to sit and enjoy durians.
Mineral Water provided with Salt ( prevent Durian heat )
Big basin to wash your hand after eating durian.
Dine in or take away, both welcome. Take awayer, box provided.
Friendly store operator. No waiting needed.
If the opened durian is bad quality, no questiona asked, throw away.
Durians are blardy cheap as of today 14 th July 2005.Unlike a few years
ago where only rich and famous got to eat durian at stalls.
No need to clean up the seeds/ durian skin after that.
Your house remains clean/ no heavy durian methane smell.
No need to store unfinished durian into your fridge, preventing
methane gas smell and build up in your fridge.
After eating too much of durian, one might get sore throat.
Eating beside the road with pretty girl might be spotted by your wife.
Nothing else I guess....
A few days ago, we were discussing about where to whack durians, and one
told me:" Hei they even got their own webpage for SS2 durian you know?"
I was like:" Sure or not?" Domain name for durian woh !! -_-"
So this morning as an hardworking CSI officer, I loaded my webpage and
opened www.ss2durian.com ... result = none !!
try again www.durianss2.com ... GNN really got this web page man !!!
www.durianss2.com Walauweh !!
And below is my favourite durian for year 2005. Die die must eat also!!
And it is so cheap to eat durian right now, so what are you waiting for?
Go and get some durian today !!!
If you don't like durian, try to love it ! If you don't eat durian, it's
like going to China but never go to see the Great Wall of China and never
climb it !!! Poor guy !!!

Hong Har Durian, one of the best.....
As all of us should know that, it is now Durian season and I've went to
SS2 Petaling Jaya a few times for the Durian there. And everytime I go
I promised myself that I will eat a little bit only.
But everytime at the end of the day, we frequently hug the big stomach
and cry all the way home cause the satisfaction and the "Stomach
Too Full" feeling really will made a man like me cry !!
It's common nowadays for one to go and visit durian stall and enjoy
the durian there. To eat durian at the stall has the below pros
and cons....
ago where only rich and famous got to eat durian at stalls.
methane gas smell and build up in your fridge.
A few days ago, we were discussing about where to whack durians, and one
told me:" Hei they even got their own webpage for SS2 durian you know?"
I was like:" Sure or not?" Domain name for durian woh !! -_-"
So this morning as an hardworking CSI officer, I loaded my webpage and
opened www.ss2durian.com ... result = none !!
try again www.durianss2.com ... GNN really got this web page man !!!
www.durianss2.com Walauweh !!
And below is my favourite durian for year 2005. Die die must eat also!!
And it is so cheap to eat durian right now, so what are you waiting for?
Go and get some durian today !!!
If you don't like durian, try to love it ! If you don't eat durian, it's
like going to China but never go to see the Great Wall of China and never
climb it !!! Poor guy !!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Philips Crashed after Piu Yee !!!
It was a nice afternoon, not much of car and we were heading to a
There were not much of car on the road and the highway to the Museum
was 3 lane each side. Well as my driving skill has improved over the
10 years, I hit the gas slightly harder this time. Speed = about 120kmph
Proton Wira Version F-117 is a great machine that could fly fast and fly
low. I mean this car could be driven fast and stable on the highway
compared to some compact car.
I normally cruise around 110 to 130 kmph on the highway to Johor, Ipoh or
Penang, depending on the road condition such as number of cars, visibility,
car take off weight, tyres condition, weather and so on......
Suddenly 50 meter infront there was this big sharp corner, I said
" Shit !" in my heart and hit the brake and changed gear to 3rd gear.
The big sharp corner is going towards left.... 3rd gear engaged
and the car engine roared !!! Vrrrroooommmmmm !!!
My car drifted towards the right side of the road, hence I hit the
gas a little bit more !! Luckily my car had became straight back
to the road and aimed at the correct direction again.
But due to the hit on the gas the car has gain speed to about 120kmph.
And 30 meter away was nother big sharp cornering again ( WTF ?? )
this time this cornering is even more difficult to handle.
"Shit shit shit !!" This time I realized that I am in deep shit !!
Hit the brake first, and engaged 3rd gear and try to Piu Yee again
to reduce speed and gain more tyres grap on the road.
But the car just couldn't take it anymore.
The back of the car felt heavy and swayed to the right heavily
and the front tyres feels like "No Gravity" feel !! -_-"
Me =" Shit shit shit ! Need to buy new car liao !"
Me =" Don't damage my car too much, don't don't don't!!"
The back of my car hit the right side of the road and this
has greatly reduced my car speed to about 30 to 40 kmph !!!
Prammmmm !!!! It felt like my bumper had left my car and fall
on the road and made a few summersault before coming to a
full stop !!
Shit !! There goes a few thousand ringgit of my hard earned
money !!!
But I thanked God that my car didn't explode or experiance
over turning or something. And I looked at myself and the
passenger, well , non of us were hurt !! Luckily !!!
And I suddenly woke up !! No cold sweat, no headache.... just
a nightmare !!! -_-" Wheeews !!
Does this mean that I should drive slower today? Ok lah, since
that's what my dream asked me, that's what I am going to do.
Just hmmm !! 7:50 am already, time to take bath and go to work.
There were not much of car on the road and the highway to the Museum
was 3 lane each side. Well as my driving skill has improved over the
10 years, I hit the gas slightly harder this time. Speed = about 120kmph
Proton Wira Version F-117 is a great machine that could fly fast and fly
low. I mean this car could be driven fast and stable on the highway
compared to some compact car.
I normally cruise around 110 to 130 kmph on the highway to Johor, Ipoh or
Penang, depending on the road condition such as number of cars, visibility,
car take off weight, tyres condition, weather and so on......
Suddenly 50 meter infront there was this big sharp corner, I said
" Shit !" in my heart and hit the brake and changed gear to 3rd gear.
The big sharp corner is going towards left.... 3rd gear engaged
and the car engine roared !!! Vrrrroooommmmmm !!!
My car drifted towards the right side of the road, hence I hit the
gas a little bit more !! Luckily my car had became straight back
to the road and aimed at the correct direction again.
But due to the hit on the gas the car has gain speed to about 120kmph.
And 30 meter away was nother big sharp cornering again ( WTF ?? )
this time this cornering is even more difficult to handle.
"Shit shit shit !!" This time I realized that I am in deep shit !!
Hit the brake first, and engaged 3rd gear and try to Piu Yee again
to reduce speed and gain more tyres grap on the road.
But the car just couldn't take it anymore.
The back of the car felt heavy and swayed to the right heavily
and the front tyres feels like "No Gravity" feel !! -_-"
Me =" Shit shit shit ! Need to buy new car liao !"
Me =" Don't damage my car too much, don't don't don't!!"
The back of my car hit the right side of the road and this
has greatly reduced my car speed to about 30 to 40 kmph !!!
Prammmmm !!!! It felt like my bumper had left my car and fall
on the road and made a few summersault before coming to a
full stop !!
Shit !! There goes a few thousand ringgit of my hard earned
money !!!
But I thanked God that my car didn't explode or experiance
over turning or something. And I looked at myself and the
passenger, well , non of us were hurt !! Luckily !!!
And I suddenly woke up !! No cold sweat, no headache.... just
a nightmare !!! -_-" Wheeews !!
Does this mean that I should drive slower today? Ok lah, since
that's what my dream asked me, that's what I am going to do.
Just hmmm !! 7:50 am already, time to take bath and go to work.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Duran-duran !!
Yesterday after we ( Fat Lady + Me ) went to see my sister at Kajang,
who studies Law @ UKM. We had a some nasi lemak and vegetables soup
there.... light and easy food !!
And came back to PJ area at around 10pm.
I took the Sungai Besi Highway and turned into the Desa Park exit
and en-routed to the Federal Highway. From there, I exited at
KWSP and turned into UM or Jalan University PJ.
From there I was then heading Phileo Damansara and then TTDI and
Kayu Ara.
After the SS17 roundabout, I aksed Fat Lady :" Oi Makan Durian?"
I was expecting a punch or a pinch or a slap, but she :" Oh ok!"
I'd almost Piu Yee into the Long Kang after the roundabout.
I asked:" are you sure ? Durian woh !!"
Fat Lady:" Normally I would say NO but today ada mood !"
I replied :" Affirmative !!! " Hit the brake, speed from 120kmph
dropped to 60 kmph, turned into SS17 area, and headed back to SS2.
Waho !! Waho !!
10 minutes later we were all around SS2, the 2 durian store behind
the BP Petrol Kiosk.
First the guy opened a Something D24 Version 2.0 with USB for us.
Fat Lady :" I eat 2 biji saja ok? Not too hungry !! "
But due to the D24 version 2.0 with USB tasted to good that she
kept on makaning the durian.
Second durian was not fresh, a bit wet, so the stall guy apologized
and throwed away the durian.
3rd durian = XO Durian ( WTF? ) the taste of the durian was a little
bit like XO the "Miniman Keras". But We felt the taste was a little
bit too strong.
Fat Lady:" The D24 Version 2.0 with USB better !!!"
I replied:" Yeah I thought so too !"
Fat Lady:" Burp !! Ok sudah kenyang !"
Me :" Ok cuci tangan and let's get out of here !"
The stall guy came and calculate-calculate, total RM10.00 only.
Not too cheap actually due to now it's durian over supply period.
But for the convinience, sure good quality, no need to work after
the makaning process ( example; throw the seed and skin of durian )
and.... the most important.....
The house that I am staying would not be filled with Durian smell !!
Go home terus Hibernate cause the D24 Version 2.0 with USB + the
XO durian has became Super Strong XO Bomb with 40% alcohol !!!
Me =" Kokkk ...piu....koookkk....piu !!"
Fat Lady=" Burp !! " hehehehehe
Me =" kooook....piu....koook....piu !!!"
Fat Lady -_-" :" Damn fat boy sleep so early !! No use one !"
me =" koook...piu....koookk...piu !!"
who studies Law @ UKM. We had a some nasi lemak and vegetables soup
there.... light and easy food !!
And came back to PJ area at around 10pm.
I took the Sungai Besi Highway and turned into the Desa Park exit
and en-routed to the Federal Highway. From there, I exited at
KWSP and turned into UM or Jalan University PJ.
From there I was then heading Phileo Damansara and then TTDI and
Kayu Ara.
After the SS17 roundabout, I aksed Fat Lady :" Oi Makan Durian?"
I was expecting a punch or a pinch or a slap, but she :" Oh ok!"
I'd almost Piu Yee into the Long Kang after the roundabout.
I asked:" are you sure ? Durian woh !!"
Fat Lady:" Normally I would say NO but today ada mood !"
I replied :" Affirmative !!! " Hit the brake, speed from 120kmph
dropped to 60 kmph, turned into SS17 area, and headed back to SS2.
Waho !! Waho !!
10 minutes later we were all around SS2, the 2 durian store behind
the BP Petrol Kiosk.
First the guy opened a Something D24 Version 2.0 with USB for us.
Fat Lady :" I eat 2 biji saja ok? Not too hungry !! "
But due to the D24 version 2.0 with USB tasted to good that she
kept on makaning the durian.
Second durian was not fresh, a bit wet, so the stall guy apologized
and throwed away the durian.
3rd durian = XO Durian ( WTF? ) the taste of the durian was a little
bit like XO the "Miniman Keras". But We felt the taste was a little
bit too strong.
Fat Lady:" The D24 Version 2.0 with USB better !!!"
I replied:" Yeah I thought so too !"
Fat Lady:" Burp !! Ok sudah kenyang !"
Me :" Ok cuci tangan and let's get out of here !"
The stall guy came and calculate-calculate, total RM10.00 only.
Not too cheap actually due to now it's durian over supply period.
But for the convinience, sure good quality, no need to work after
the makaning process ( example; throw the seed and skin of durian )
and.... the most important.....
The house that I am staying would not be filled with Durian smell !!
Go home terus Hibernate cause the D24 Version 2.0 with USB + the
XO durian has became Super Strong XO Bomb with 40% alcohol !!!
Me =" Kokkk ...piu....koookkk....piu !!"
Fat Lady=" Burp !! " hehehehehe
Me =" kooook....piu....koook....piu !!!"
Fat Lady -_-" :" Damn fat boy sleep so early !! No use one !"
me =" koook...piu....koookk...piu !!"
Monday, July 11, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005
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