Friday, April 14, 2006

Crab ! Lotz of crab !

A few days ago i was chatting online with a friend of
mine over the IM software and we discussed about the
"suicide" issue.

I told him, I really don't agree and see why one should
commit suicide in this world. I really can't understand that...

I added on:" I would only commit suicide if I am a crab or something like that."

Friend:" Hmmm ? Why leh ?"

I replied:" I can't sing, I can't walk straight and I can't even see my own kkc, sure I suicide lah !"


So, our conclusion is that, since crab has the tendency
to perform suicide cause they are majority unhappy life

So we should be caring people and lend them a hand by simply, eating more crabs... cause we are caring Malaysians.

Eating more crabs will release them from the suffering that they (crabs) are experiancing and according to my
religion, when we release someone or some creature out of misery or suffering, it is called Good Karma !!!
公 德 无 量

So? What are we waiting for? Let's lock and load and go
and eat some crabs today !!

When we see crabs on the table, we should also shout out very loud :" Fire at will ! Fire at will !! "

and quickily finish them off and send them all the way
to next life where they would become a happier creature. Ok ? Agree ??

Lock and load !! Lock and load babeh !!


I remember seeing from some news paper or internet which shown a picture of a Seafood Restaurant from don't know where happyly put up a sign.

" We sell the best crap in town !" WTF ?

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