Sunday, January 29, 2006

My lovely grandmother preparing the dinner. Clockwise from what she is arranging.. Yong Mushroom, Fried Mixed Vegetables, Yong Oyster, Portugis Fish Head ( with a lot of green vege ) Fried Tau Fu, her hand was blocking the fried shrimps, large fried shrimps. and in the middle was... Kao Yok... OMG!!!

1 comment:

piggybie said...

i miss all the food... i wann to eat arrr........

Yong Mushroom, Fried Mixed Vegetables, Yong Oyster, Portugis Fish Head, Fried Tau Fu, Large fried shrimps, Kao Yok...... OMG~!!!!!! my saliva is flooding my table and laptop oredi......

too bad i'm still in adelaide, cant go back to celebrate my chinese new year.... :'(