This morning, Ah Lian's Mom ALM called me and said want to ask me
a question. I was not too busy and said, " Please ask !"
ALM, " Eh i ask you hor ! "
Me, " Yes, please ask ! "
ALM, " If there is a race between 2 crabs to see who could run faster,
which crabs do you think would win, there is this Black Crab and
another one is Red Crab."
Me, " Huh ? I don't know, perhaps the Black Crab ?? "
ALM, " Bingo ! You are good ! But why the Black Crab ? "
Me, " I really don't know leh !! Mana aku tahu ? "
ALM, " hahahahaha....wahahahhaha..... "
Me, " So , why has the black crab won the race ? "
ALM, " Cause the red crab is cooked ! and he ain't going nowhere.
Me spit hot coffee on my lap & ........ adoi !!!!!!
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