Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The One About GMA !!!

Just now when I was checking my emails suddenly Fat Lady pointed at
my screen and shouted, " Wow !!! "

Me, " What ? "

Fat Lady, " You are using DOS meh ? "

Me, " Nope , Vista... "

Fat Lady, " Why all text and green stuff one ? "

Me, " This is Dosta... "

Fat Lady, " Bodoh lu ! "

Me, " No lah, it's my gmail screen, there is this Terminal themes."

Fat lady, " You are so damn 1970s ok ? "

Me, " No woh, real man uses DOS... and command prompt !"

Fat Lady, " then you should format C: your lap top lah !!"

Me, " Wah wah wah !! Format C: also you know ah ???? "

Fat Lady, " Abuthen ? Your eyes not painful meh ?"

Me, " A bit actually loh... "

Fat Lady, " Then why continue to use it ? "

Me, " GMA ok ??? Gaya Mesti Adaaaaaa "

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