Friday, February 29, 2008

The One About What Is EP ??

This morning while having breakfast, my staffs were busy
chatting about food and quality and everything....

bla.. bla.. bla.. bla...

Miss K : " The mamak shop mia EP Koey Tiao darn good !! "

We all -_-" and " What is EP ? Sister of APidah ? "

Miss K lolrotf !!

Miss K :" EP = Extra Pedas !!! "

We all " Ohhhhh !!! Weeeeeee seeeeee !!! "

EP Koey Tiao is so hot and spicy that after you eat, blood comes
out from your 7 holes !!

EP Koey Tiao is so hot and spicy that when you pee after eat
that, petrol came out instead of urine !!

EP Koey Tiao is so hot and spicy that when you fart later,
there would be a small nuclear explosion at your rear.


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