Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tipu Orang Punya !!

Last week I found out that my MyCard chip was having read
problem. Meaning that some machine could read the chip but
someother can't.

Hence I went to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara of PJ State to
renew the MyCard. Arrived there at about 12:00pm or so and
there were only 3 person ( customer ) there.

Got everything done in 10 to 15 minutes time, that was really
fast I thought and the officers there were friendly too.
Perhaps with less customer they were more relaxed.

I was happy, they were friendly and the officer said.

"Ok, boleh mari ambil selepas 2 hingga 4 minggu."

Me:" Oh ok, thank you."

Officer," Boleh check di untuk
status MyCard. Kalau dah siap, you akan nampak ready for

Me -_-" canggih and run away from their office.

And later I checked through the internet and found that
they took only 3 days to produce my MyCard -_-"

I went to their office on 8th Sep 2006.
And the card was ready to be collected on 11th Sep 2006.

That was like, 3 days only. And that was a pleasure surprise
for me cause I thought 2 to 4 weeks is unavoidable.

Bravo and Kudos for the 3 days speed. But I hope in future
it could be immediate renewal and replacement and no Rm10.00
charge for a chip that was not damaged by me lah yeah ?

3 days, not too bad at all.

And when I went to collect the MyCard it took about 30 minutes
because I had to wait for my turn, equally fast and not much
of hassle !!

But when I was waiting for my turn to collect the MyCard there
was this young lady, teenager with her father at the Photo
Taking counter.

The officer," Duduk baik-baik... "
The officer," Kepala kiri sikit..."
The officer," Muka kiri sikit..."
The officer," Ok..... "

the father looked at the photo, not satisfied.

The officer," Satu lagi.... "
The officer," Kepala depan sikit...."
The officer," Duduk tegak siskit...."
The officer," Tutup mulut... " lolrotf !! tutup mulut?

The officer," Kepala jangan senget.. "
The officer," Pandang depan..."
The offier," Mulut tak payah buka....."

knnwtfbbq !! ????

When I was taking my photo the officer didn't
ask me anything, just asked me to look into the
camera lense ( Siemens ) and that's it !!

Luckily the photo came out still ok....

Tutup mulut ? LOL !!!

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