Thursday, June 25, 2009

The One About Two Cores Two Cores !!!

Yesterday a customer of mine was calling me and asking
when could I visit him.

Me, " Oh I am coming on Friday ya ! "

Customer, " Great great !! So what are agendas ? "

Me, " bla bla bla... oh and I am bringing you 2 HP notebooks.... "

Customer, " Wah ! Wah ! Wah !! Thanks so much ! "

Me, " well, this is as per promised to you last time ... "

Customer, " Dual core one right ? 2GB Ram ? 250GB HDD ?"

Me, " ..................... "

Customer, " I prefer to have Windows Vista Premium ya ! "

Me, " .................... "

Customer, " Got carrying bag also ya ? Waho !! Waho !! "

Me, " HOI !!! I promised you organizer / notepad / lah ! "

Customer, " But you said notebook mar .... "

Me, " a book to write your notes is notebook lah ...... "

Me, " You want me to bring a hammer and chainsaw or not ?"

Customer, " no need no need .... "

Me, " You want me to bring your sales achieved vs target or not?"

Customer, " wah lagi no need no need .... "

Me, " So what else do you want me to bring ?? "

Customer, " 2 notepad only, for writing note one.. "

Me, " Oh ! you are so clever .... 真乖 !! "

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The One About Kakak....

Yesterday in office while having a discussion....

Junko, " Bla .. bla.. bla.. bla... bla.. bla.. bla ..... "

Miss Lim, " No lah , no lah not like that... bla bla bla... "

Junko, " Oi ! Not like that, not like that, you understand
or not Kakak?"

Our cleaner lady popped up and asked, " Yes ? Anything ?"

We all suddenly had a shock, where the heck does Kakak come
from from out of sudden ?

Junko, " Sorry sorry, not you Kakak, i was talking about Miss Lim!"

Kakak, " Oh ! i thought you called me and need my service... "

We........ LOLROTF !!!

Junko, " Soli Soli .... Soli soli !! "

Miss Lim face green green......

Kakak = Elder sister, sometimes refer to maid or domestic help...

Monday, June 01, 2009

The One About Shang Hai San

My friend Ah San follows the husband to Shang Hai cause the husband
has to work in Shang Hai recently.

But Ah San hasn't found any job yet at the moment hence was asking
around to see if there is any job suitable for her.

By the way, Ah San could play some good Ping Pong ya !!

So today at MSN, me asked, " so right now you are 上海无业

无赖 无家可归 无国籍 无法无天 五体投地

天主啊啦 东海 海龙王 ?

Ah San -_-" and replied, " I hate you !!!!!!!!! "

Me lolrotf !!!

A moment later I asked, " So , if I were to go to Shang Hai and to work
there, is there any work which is suitable for me ? "

Ah San, " Guard loh "

Me, " I hate you also !!!!!!!!!!!! "

Ah San lolrotf !!!

By the way, I knew Ah San since 1988 or 1989 you know ??