Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The one about I don't know how to say it.....

阿妹要去槟城, 问道:"有什么出名的好料要买吗??"

老妈:" 买一箱豆沙饼"

外婆:" 买一箱麻油"


一箱豆沙饼, 好像太少了.....

买一箱麻油, 又好像太多了.....

哎不理了 买了再说.... 赶时间....

两天后 回到吉隆坡 把豆沙饼和麻油搬下车.

老妈开门 问道:" 我的豆沙饼呢?"

阿妹: "拿, 一箱豆沙饼 和 一大箱麻油"

老妈 外婆 双双 反白眼............

老妈外婆 : "我叫你买义香豆沙饼和义香麻油啦 笨蛋"



Siu KeOnG said...

whahahahhaa.....u really damn funny...laugh die me...so u really buy 1 box ar???

Philips at work. said...

Err... I didn't buy one box.

This kind of stupiak thing, normally my sister do one....

But this time, this happened to her blur friend.... haih...

Baca buku banyak pon takda guna..