Friday, August 11, 2006

Kepong Mia Durian !!

Yesterday went to Kepong with John and Mr Lam for
a covert operation. Code name Operation Durian Storm III.

One word to describe = Syiokelinggem !! Very Syiklelinggem
indeed !!

Since my mother ask me to eat more fruits, and I always been
a good boy, so I mar eat more fruits ( read : durian ) loh !!

Map of Kepong durian would be avaiable at later stage.

It's just near the Kepong Pasar Malam near Kei Tak Sek area.

From LDP Kepong Toll about 10 minutes. Make a u-turn after
Caltex Petrol Station will lead to Taman Bukit Maluri or
Manjarala Area and .... we shall look at the map later eh!

Burrppp !! OMFG !!

Each time I burp now, the bacteria in my room dies !! All
of them dies.

And each time I burp again, the dogs at the backlane of my
house stop barking for 2 hours, and fall dead !!

And eacth time I burp again, my face will turn green don't
know why, like incredible hulk guy.

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